Break My Heart and I'll Break Your Car. Chapter Twenty-Nine.

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

            Pissed off, was an understatement for how I was feeling right now. Why didn’t my mother tell me? All those days, I sat across from her as she taught me; she didn’t once mention Zane leaving. I told Liam a quick goodbye, and stormed to my car. I got in and sped out of the arena as if my life depended on it.

            I raced to my house, and pulled into my driveway with a loud screech. I climbed out and slammed the car door behind me, and stormed into my house. My mother was kneeling in front of Jane, who was dressed in a dull pink, pearly dress. “Raine, how may I help you?” my mother said with a smile, while my fist stayed clenched by my side.

            “Jane go upstairs real quickly? Mommy and sissy need to have a conversation” I said and Jane nodded her head quickly yes, and ran upstairs. Her dress trailing behind her and as soon as she was out of view I spun on my mom.

            “What is your problem, Raine?” my mother asked, looking completely clueless which made me even angrier.

            “When were you going to tell me?” I asked, and she looked bored and confused at the same time.

            “Tell you what Raine?” she asked.

            “That Zane moved away! I saw you every day and you didn’t think of telling me that he was moving? That he moved?” I said through clenched teeth, trying my hardest not to scream.

            “He wasn’t good for you, he ruined you. When he was out of the picture, you started acting like you, again. I knew, telling you he was going to leave, you would’ve chased after him” she said with a shrug.

            “What do you mean he wasn’t good for me? What did he do?!” I screamed, appalled that she would say he ruined me. As much as Zane killed me, he did make me stronger.

            “He made you not like pageants anymore!” she screamed. “He made you into this disrespectful little brat! Who didn’t want to do the anything, but be a juvenile delinquent?”
 She screamed and my jaw about dropped.

            “He didn’t make me into anything mother! You did! You pushed me, and pushed me, and pushed me so hard, I couldn’t breathe anymore! I hate pageants, and I HATE YOU!” I screamed the last part so loud, my throat ached.

            My mother gasped, “That isn’t true.” She said stepping back, and I shook my head yes.

            “It is true. I don’t want to hate you, but I do. You don’t know me at all, and you don’t love me, for me. You love me when I’m your obedient daughter, who does what you say…but when I don’t? You don’t love me” I said the words I’ve been thinking for so long.

            My mother stood there shocked, “You think I don’t love you?” she whispered and I shook my head yes, as my eyes ached with tears. “Why would you think that?” she asked.

            “Mom, when have you once listened to me? Really listened to me? When have you consoled me and told me everything goings to be okay?” I asked tears beginning to spill out of my eyes in a down pour.

            She looked shocked, “Uhmm…” she said helplessly as she tried to figure out a time. She couldn’t though, I could tell she couldn’t with the far away stare she got and the way her fingers fumbled together.

            “I’m done with you. I make the effort but this…this is the last straw. YOU knew how I felt about Zane, and not telling me? You know what it makes you? A self-centered BITCH!” I screamed, flinging myself out of the house and jumping into my car.

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