Ichigo's Girlfriend

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Later that night Ichigo thinks, "how has this happened to me." Ichigo was laying down in his bed with Sakura cuddling him on the right-side sleeping. Ichigo then thinks, "well she smells nice...wait why am I thinking she is in my home and in my bed thinking we're a couple well it's not so bad I guess...man Mitsuki going to kill I'm surprised she not here right now." Sakura then shoves Ichigo's face into between her breast. Ichigo then thinks, "no no no I'm not ready for this her chest is amazing it feels so soft what she a D no she bigger I think to wait no stay calm I just need to get her arms off me and back up slowly." Ichigo grabs her wrists and moves his head from her breast. Ichigo then says, "okay good." Sakura then says in her sleep, "oh Ichigo your so dirty were you putting your hands, you naughty boy." Ichigo then thinks, "is she having a wet dream about me." Sakura then grabs him again and puts his head back in between her breasts. Sakura then says in her sleep, "oh Ichigo." Ichigo barely sleep the whole night as he had never slept with a girl before.

Ichigo was in the bathroom looking at his sleepless face. Ichigo then says, "damn it that girl." Ichigo then leaves the bathroom and sees Sakura made him breakfast. Sakura then says, "morning darling." Ichigo then says, "we need to talk." Sakura then says, "we can talk as we eat." Ichigo then says, "fine." They sit down at the Ichigo table. Ichigo then sees bacon, eggs, and potatoes and thinks, "doesn't look burnt." Ichigo then takes a piece of egg with his fork and takes a bite and thinks, "this tastes great no it's awesome." Ichigo eats more of it. Sakura then says, "you like it." Ichigo then says, "yeah...wait why are you here." Sakura then says, "well we're lovers now so I live here." Ichigo then says, "but when this happened we meet two days ago." Sakura then says, "well I'm surprised you didn't have your way with me last night I thought you would ravage me it's okay if your holding back I already told you I don't care if you are my first." Ichigo then goes back to the bathroom and closes the door and screams really loud and yells, "why is this happening to me." Sakura then goes to the bathroom and says, "darling your going to disturbed the neighbors." Ichigo then opens the door and says, "you're right.... wait sorry but we're not dating I'm sorry but." Sakura then says, "no." Ichigo then says, "no?" Sakura then says, "rejecting your rejection of me." Ichigo then thinks, "this chick is nuts and obsessive maybe the cops should get involved with this." Sakura then says, "oh if you try to get the law involved I reveal your secret of who you are I have really strong connections." Ichigo then says, "shit you knew what I was thinking." Sakura then says, "of course, I'm now your girlfriend and maybe if I play my cards right I'll be your wife." Ichigo then gets all red in the face says, "my wife." Ichigo then slaps himself and says, "listen how can I get you to go home and forget this there must be..." Sakura then says, "deflower me." Ichigo then stares at her and on the inside, he was screaming in agony. Sakura then sees Ichigo's phone was ringing and sees it as Mitsuki. Sakura then answers it and says, "oh hello sister how are you this morning it's a night where you are." Mitsuki then says, "listen Sakura I don't know what your relationship with my younger brother..." Sakura then says, "oh, and Mitsuki." Mitsuki then says, "ah yes." Sakura then says, "we're expecting." Mitsuki then goes silent. Sakura then says, "hello sist...." Ichigo grabs his phone and says, "Mitsuki doesn't listen..." he then hears a voice say, "sorry the person you trying to reach is discounted." Ichigo puts his phone and to the table and gets a piece of paper out and writes, "Schaffe Frye the Fifth's will." Sakura then says, "darling what are you writing." Ichigo then says, "just writing my will because I'm a dead man."

In England, in Schaffe manor Mitsuki threw her phone at the wall and it smashed up. Schaffe then says, "what is it." Mitsuki then says, "this bitch she messing with me." A woman with red mid-length hair, really pale skin and red eyes, and pointy fangs in her mouth she was wearing a gray sweater and blue jeans and heels this was Victoria Frye Schaffe's wife and Ichigo and Mitsuki Great great-grandma she sees and says, "what wrong with her." Schaffe then says, "oh Ichigo has a Girlfriend named Sakura and she messing with Mitsuki really hard." Victoria then says, "it sounds like you back in the day." Mitsuki then says, "that it I'm going to America." Schaffe then says, "I'm afraid this would happen." Victoria then says, "you better go with her so she doesn't go too hostile."

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