Center Stage

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Two weeks go by and Ichigo was jogging around London and thinks, "man this Dewey guy got me on the ringer make me run five miles like crazy every day." Dewey then jogs by and says, "come on I'm overlapping you." They then reach the park. Dewey then says, "great job your improving." Ichigo then says, "what does this have to do in Improving my KiJutsu." Dewey then says, "well body strength can help your mana reserves." Ichigo then says, "I see." Dewey then says, "now make an Ice sword and do a thousand swings." Ichigo then makes a big Ice Sword and swings it. Dewey then says, "oh the press conference for that big event in Wembley tonight." Ichigo then says, "my dad in it he facing that Shanoa lady." Dewey then says, "Shanoa she a real gift person too she may give your old man a challenge." Ichigo then says, "well what I saw online it almost sold out." Dewey then says, "of course, it's like our Olympics." Ichigo then says, "good way of putting of it." They then finish their round of training and head to Ichigo's house.

Mitsuki then says, "hey about the time is about to start." Sakura then says, "we made dinner." Dewey then says, "ah I just want to see the fights already." Sakura then says, "it's still two months away at the end of Vacation." Dewey then says, "yeah school sucks." Mitsuki then says, "you're a senior this year." Dewey then says, "yeah but I still don't care to fight the demons full time is my future." Ichigo then says, "alright then it's on." They then watched the press conference.

On a stage in Wembley Stadium where a reporter waiting to take pictures. Schaffe warps in and says, "Hello everyone hopes you made it here well tonight we have talked with the fighter in this event." The Press Conference goes on and Schaffe was backstage with Victoria.

Victoria then says, "when were you a promoter." Schaffe then says, "hey now I only want to give everyone a good show." Jay then comes and says, "here's the card sir." Schaffe looks at it and says, "someone missing who is that I swore assigned everybody." Victoria then says, "well it's your first time doing this dear."

The Ten Saints were on stage and an announcer then says, "there we have..." Soma then grabs the microphone and says, "Hey what about my fight I didn't come here for nothing."

Schaffe then says, "ah right Soma I forgot damn." Jay then says, "so who we put against him is someone who can bring the best out of him." Victoria then says, "well you better do something before he does something." Schaffe then snaps his finger and says, "perfect I have the right man for the job." Schaffe then warps to the stage.

Schaffe then appears on stage and grabs the microphone and says, "oh Soma sorry I forgot to book you sorry but I have good news I now have an opponent for you." Soma then says, "alright old man who will be my victim then huh." Schaffe then says, "alright your opponent in two months will be Schaffe Frye the Fifth who goes by Ichigo in Wembley." Drake gives this huh look and Akira and Shinobu Glare at Schaffe. Soma then says, "I see one of your grandkids fine then guess I'll beat him a bit." Soma drops the Microphone. Schaffe then says, "well thanks for coming everyone." Schaffe and they go backstage.

Schaffe then says, "there." Schaffe then felt tied up in strings. Shinobu then says, "so you threaten my godson's life." Akira then says, "and against Soma, he would kill him." Schaffe then says, "well he got two months plus he training right now have faith." Schaffe then warps out of the web. Drake then says, "you know what I would love to be Ichigo he going to do what we want to do and knock Soma on his high ass." Akira then says, "but still Soma is a Master Five Star Elite and Ichigo only a Junior Two Star Medic." Schaffe then says, "you're really not giving Ichigo any favors here he a special case he not the same boy who left for New York he changes." Victoria then says, "sounds like your betting money on Ichigo to beat him." Schaffe then says, "there is always a fool to go against the odds you know first hand."

At Ichigo's house, Ichigo was stunned. Dewey was laughing and says, "my god your Granddad just put you up against one of the best hunters in the world." Sakura then says, "well this is something." Mitsuki then says, "it could be a good experience for you." Ichigo then tries to call on his phone. Ichigo then says, "damn it answer me, Grandpa."

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