Rant: Zodiac Stereotypes

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A/N: This is basically how I feel about the stereotypes and my opinion about them Remember if you don't like my opinion then I'm pretty sure that you know where the exit button is and you can click it cause I'm not tolerating any of it. Now you may commence reading :).

Aries~ Being a sore loser and an over achiever. I don't really believe that because I know some Aries that don't mind loosing every once in a while, but you never know.

Taurus~ Extremely lazy and loves food a little to much. To be honest who doesn't love food? Or being lazy? Because I for one do and I'm a freaking Pisces.

Gemini~ Always talking; never shuts up. Who cares if they talk to much? At least they'll try to make conversation, or tries to make one less awkward.

Cancer~ They cry ALL the time. I've never personally known a Cancer but I don't really think that's true, and if it is then at least we know you have feelings.

Leo~ A unconsidered, self-obsessed jerk. Okay I don't think they're self obsessed I think they just have more confidence then others do. And unconsidered is an overstatement although they care about them-self's they care about others just as much.

Virgo~ Up tight. Their not that up tight my brothers a Virgo and he's a pretty laid back guy unless you move his stuff around. Then he'll kill you, but other then that I'm not so sure that's true. 

Libra~ Can never commit to anything or make up their minds. I feel like everyone has those moments were it's kinda hard to figure out what they want whether their a freaking Libra or not. I mean half the time I can't even ffigure out what candy I want at the store! So your not alone Libra's, your not alone.

Scorpio~ An overall jerk who plans out EVERYONES murder and are Way to mysterious. I mean come on I would plan someones murder too if I had people who try to get me to talk about my secrets. If they wanted you to know they would have told you already! And I don't really like people either so I don't blame them.

Sagittarius~ I don't know any stereotypes for them. I think that's a good thing...right?

Capircorn~ Works to much and are always serious. I had a best friend that was a Capricorn and she was never serious and really lazy but still did her work sooo.

Aquarius~ I don't know anything for them either. And I'm too lazy to actually look anything up soooo...

Pisces~ Confused from daydreaming to much and emotionally unstable. I'm sooo sorry we have feelings, would you rather us be heartless or something? And would you want to pay attention to something that you don't even care about or think about why lunch isn't coming soon enough. And I would rather watch paint dry then having to sit through a lecture because that's all they basically do. Totally off topic but still.

I hope you guys enjoyed my ranting, I know I enjoyed writing it :). I wanted to do something different so I decided to do ranting cause it's not usually what I do, I usually just sit there saying nothing. Everyday. Of my life.

So I might do another one I have no Idea what it'll be about but it'll be something. I hope. Also sorry about the Aquarius and Sagittarius one's I didn't do. If your a Sagittarius or Aquarius I apogize to you personaly. Maybe the next rant will be a part two where I finish those two signs, I don't know.

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