31 | the vice-president pt.1

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For the past few weeks, I made sure to stay busy to keep my mind off whatever had happened with Y/n. Gaming, studying, and drawing were helpful, but not enough. Indeed, my mind would eventually drift to her, to the taste of her sweet—no, just no.

My thoughts were driving me crazy. The fact that we were in the same class and club didn't help at all. How was I even supposed to think of anything else?

Also, why did I kiss her? And why did it have to be so...intense?

"Oi, Jungkook!"

Looks like I found the right person to keep me busy.

With his signature eye smile, the council's Vice-President made his way to the table I was sitting at. I replied with a warm "hello" as he sat right across from me, placing his food tray on the wooden furniture. As he picked up a set of chopsticks, I noticed his hair were messy–which was unusual. Also, the regular green tie – the main color of our uniform – had been replaced with a sad black one. Literally anyone could tell something was off with him.

"How are you?" I asked, opting for a subtle questioning

Jimin shrugged, staring at the warm food. "Do you think I'm unlikable?"

I frowned, waiting for him to look up. But he never did.

"Why would I think that?"

"Please, answer. Be honest."

I couldn't help but chuckle, mostly to ease the sudden tension. "Of course not! I wouldn't even speak to you if I thought so. Why would you suddenly worry about that?"

Eventually, he looked up from his food tray. Scanning the room to make sure no one could hear us, he whispered: "Do you know Bo? Short for Bora. She's a senior."

"Yeah. The girl who dyes her hair." he nodded vividly "What about her?"

"She's a bully."

I frowned, quite dubious. "Is she?"

He continued, still whispering as if the infamous Bo would appear out of nowhere. "Yesterday, I've decided to email her regarding her rebellious behavior. Hair dying, uniform sabotaging–and insolence towards the council's members." Jimin was known for being a bit of a drama queen, but I chose not to mention it at that precise moment. "It was a polite and formal warning, nothing aggressive, really."

"Still a warning." I mumbled


"Nothing." I shook my head

"Anyway. Last night, she texted me." he pulled his phone out of his pocket "There, read it."

I did, grabbing the device. A short text message could be read to which Jimin didn't even reply. Leave me alone, you unlikable prick. When I rose my head to observe the boy's reaction, I could tell how that stupid text had managed to bother him.

Jimin was a sensitive person. He always tried hard to respect the rules, to maintain the order. He took his position pretty seriously, even more than the president himself. Honestly, the fact that he'd sulk over Bo's words didn't come as a surprise.

"Do you care about her?" I asked, handing the phone to him

"Not really." he said "Actually, I can't stand her."

"Then you shouldn't mind her. Whether she thinks you're likable or not doesn't matter. Though you probably should stop breathing down her neck."

"I'm just doing my job!"

"I know, and it's honorable. But we're all just students. Our parents and the academic system are putting enough pressure on us. If the principal allows his students to dye their hair, don't even bother. Let it go. She's not harming anyone. If she's having fun doing that, let her be."

The vice-president bit his lower lip, staring at me with round eyes. It took him a few seconds to speak. With a loud sigh, he nodded. "You're right. But still, why would she believe I'm unlikable?"

"It was meant to hurt you."

Both Jimin and I gasped as a pink-haired teenager appeared from behind. And of course, the bickering began. Seeing no use in staying around, I rushed away.

❁ ✾ ❃ ❋

The following evening, I'd decided to skip the art club to prevent any form of interaction with Y/n. My level of courage was close to zero anyway, it would probably end up in me embarrassing myself even more. I was not in the mood for that.

As I walked past the school gates, I noticed Solange laying against a tree, staring at the entrance. When she saw me, sparkles flashed in her eyes as she made wide movements with her small arms to catch my attention. I couldn't possibly ignore her, so I walked towards the girl as she kept smiling.

"Hey." I smiled "What's up?"

She bit her lip, suddenly shy. "I was waiting for you..."

"Why?" I asked spontaneously, sounding a bit harsh "I mean, what's going on?"

She shook her head no in a cute manner. "I just thought we could walk together. My home's not far from yours, so..."

"Why aren't you at the club?"

Solange shrugged, hiding her hands behind her back. "Don't get me wrong, I love it! But it's a bit weird when you're not around..."

I didn't want to ask her if she entered the art club because of me. Her answer would probably freak me out.

"I have things to do at home."

"Of course, I'm not blaming you. It's just that... we miss you."

"We?" I frowned

"Yeah, the members and I. To be honest, we're worried about you."

Solange's words warmed my heart. To imagine my fellow club members worrying when I all I did was act selfish made me feel like a shitty person. I couldn't continuously reject them, then expect them to remain supportive and understanding. Somehow, I had to let them in. After all, they were – kind of – my friends.

Which leads us to my next unexpected decision: offer to walk Solange home. To my surprise, it went well. So well that at some point, I choose to open up when she mentioned how Y/n seemed down since a few days.

So, I told her about the kiss.

She gasped, taken aback. However, she did not get angry nor jealous. Well, maybe a little jealous, but she managed to hide it. In fact, she turned out to be a good adviser.

Thus, for the first time, I realized how much I cared for Y/n.

"You love her."

I bit my lip, unsure. "No, I don't—"

Solange cut me off. "You like her, then."

This time, I couldn't deny it.

『 ❁ ✾ ❃ ❋ 』

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