Chapter 68 - Jealous

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I think this is my favourite Chapter.

Walking into his office Damien took off his jacket and threw it on the couch, his tie followed next. It was only 8 am and he was already pissed off. He barely had two hours sleep and was edgy to say the least. Somewhere between the hospital and his bedroom he finally admitted to himself how much he still wanted Virgil, w.a.n.t.e.d him badly. He tried to fool himself that he could find a new mate because it was required of him as the Alpha and look how that turned out. Feelings didn't matter he told himself at the time, once marked any suitable mate would do. They would automatically bond and that would be the end of it.  His life would be as it should be. That plan ended in disaster.

He sat at his desk rolling a pen back and forth, lost in thought, lost in the image of Virgil lying in the hospital looking frail and feverish, so much like back when they had first met.

A single knock on the door announced the arrival of the PA. He strode in with files tucked under his arm, shades still on and with a smirk on his face.....rewind smirk. Damien looked at him closely, curious. It was rare, if ever, humour made an appearance on the PA's face. So why was he SMIRKING today. In the mood Damien was in, the smugness in his grin made him want to give him a smack in the back of the head.

These days he often looked at Paul with new eyes. If he was honest it seemed like Virgil had bought Paul to life. The stone faced, emotionless PA that Damien had known for a decade recently showed signs of life and always because of, or around Virgil.   It explained the speed and ferocity with which he went after Nico, it had not only been his job, it was personal. His accidentally eavesdropping showed they shared a secret, probably more than the one. There had been comments and gestures between them that had a backstory he didn't know.

Damien watched the PA place the files neatly in front of him and return the pen to it's stand and then very deliberately remove his sunglasses and slip them in his jacket.   As always, every movement was smooth and calculated. It was then they he picked up Virgil's scent on him. Damien's nostrils flared. The PA took his place beside him ready to direct him to which items needed his attention first, leaning in the scent started teasing him, his body suddenly reacting violently. He felt a sharp, hot, surge of anger.  Why does he smell of Virgil so early in the morning?  How close did they get, it's all over him"   He gritted his teeth. 

"Please stand over there." He gestured for The PA to move to the other side of the desk. Paul cocked an eyebrow and did as he was told. He straightened his suit and waited patiently to start again. Virgil's scent around him was the last thing Damien needed and it was coming off in waves from the PA. It was like setting a torch to petrol, if he was pissed off before now he was raging. Was this jealously he thought...he didn't like it one little bit.

"One other thing Alpha. I received a message from one of our contacts in the Royal Court and it seems that Guardian Doukas is taking leave from his post, indefinitely. A caretaker Aspestal Guardian has been chosen already. From what my source said the King is very displeased with him." The PA tried to keep a straight face but the corner of his mouth twitched. "It's probably something to do with that well worded letter you sent back with him."

"'re probably right there." Damien sighed, he'd hoped Doulkas would be given a more severe punishment when he got back home, this will have to do.  Paul and Damien  knew if that letter ever got out the King would be embarrassed into explaining his decision to overturn an abolished law for one of his courts favourites. Not a huge issue when it comes to control of power but he would lose face....which is  worse with the Pure Bloods.  High ranked families wouldn't appreciate favouritism.

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