Chapter Twenty-Seven

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~ Adam ~

Farmland rushed past the window as the car drove on through the backfields of Spring Creek

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Farmland rushed past the window as the car drove on through the backfields of Spring Creek. Adam leaned his head back against the seat, watching as surburbia fell away into the vast fields and forestry that comprised the outskirts of town.

One of Cole's hands held the steering wheel, the other resting between him and Adam on the centre console. He'd connected his phone's Bluetooth to the radio and was now streaming a playlist on Spotify. One finger tapped out a soft rhythm in time with the song as he gazed onward.

Adam watched the headlights on the road, the only source of light this far out of town. "Are you going to tell me where we're going yet?"

Cole smirked at him sideways. "You don't do well with surprises, do you?"

"I just like to be prepared." Adam shrugged. "I've never been on a makeup date before."

"Date, huh?"

Adam rolled his eyes. "You know what I meant."

Cole chuckled and turned back to the road ahead. "We'll be there soon."

"Can I at least have a hint?"

Condensation cast an opaque veil over the car's back windows. Adam shivered, huddling closer to the air vent where the heater was on full blast. He really needed to put some money away for a proper winter coat. Maybe next year he'd have enough savings to afford one.

"A hint?" Cole asked.

"Yeah, you know those things that are supposed to help you work out where you're going? One of those."

"Are you going to stop at just one?"

Adam crossed his arms over his chest. "Don't act like you know me."

The corner of Cole's mouth tugged upward. "I'll try to implement that in the future."

"How kind of you. Now, a hint?"

Cole sighed, one hand sliding down to rest at the bottom of the steering wheel. "It's really bright."

"Bright?" Adam frowned at the dark forest racing past them. "Out here?"

"Just trust me."

And the surprising thing was, Adam did.

They came to a fork at the end of a dirt road. Cole turned left, travelling further out of town with every kilometre he pushed over the speed limit.

Adam watched as the road began to incline on the beginnings of a mountain range. They'd been driving for over twenty minutes if they were already reaching the foothills that surrounded Spring Creek. On their left, the car's headlights splashed over a sign that read LAKE FOREST, 20KM.

"Doesn't your family live out this way?" Adam asked.

"Yes, but that's not where we're going."

"I feel like I'm due another clue."

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