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Grammar mistakes, autocorrect,typos etc..

Might contain offensive language

English is not my mother language

Don't be afraid to correct my grammar please

I hope you enjoy it

Oh and guys just wanna make it clear I got this idea for a book I read, I forgot the title and the author but it's an angst about cyclone who went back in time to save his brother's, if anyone know the author pls tell me so I can credits to her/him

But if course I won't copy the book, I have a plot of my own I just like the idea of time traveling and going back to save their family

He feels empty inside...

As if everything is black....

For once the usual proud and narcissist solar didn't know anything

He was lying in the dirty grass, everything around him was destroyed

His usual charming face were now pale and cold, his what used to be a beautiful silver grey eyed were now dull and lifeless but it was covered by his cracked visor, his white clothes were now covered in blood and dirt, his hair was messy and was missing his signature cap

To put it simple, he is in terrible shape

Solar doesn't know what to do anymore it has been 2 months

2 months since he took a bath

2 months since he ate or drink

2 months since he's been left alone

It has been 2 months since they left him alone

All solar want to do is leave and join his brothers where ever they may be but solar also know that this is not what they would want

They would want him to be happy

To live his life

But how can he? When his life is taken away from him

Heavy breaths were heared from a green capped boy as he ran not far behind him were two boys wearing blue and red

But as he was running his legs gave out and he fell, he tried to get up but was to exhausted

"C'mon thorn get up"a red flamed boy said stopping Infront of thorn

"We don't have time for this, it's getting closer" the blue one who is named cyclone said as he carried thorn and let him ride his hoverboard

But as they were about to leave they were thrown off by an unknown source

"Ahhh!"they yelled in pain as they all hit the ground, a giant shadow loomed over them ready to strike when someone yelled-

"Earth barrier" a barrier made of earth covered the three boys, the three boys looked at their brother who just saved them

Quake was struggling to breathe, his clothes were thorn and his face were full of bruises but he tried to focus his breathing, he needs to save his brothers

"Solar take them and run!"quake yelled to his youngest brother who had just arrive and was in the same condition as quake

Solar immediately complied before halting "wait! What about you?"he asked worriedly

"I'll try to hold him as much as I can, just go!"quake yelled as he felt the creature breaking free from his earth grasp

Solar had no choice but to follow his brother, he and the trio successfully left and we're out of breath

"Solar!"blaze called out his brother with a heavy breath

"Have you seen ice? Where is he? I haven't seen him since we separated"blaze asked solar, he was very worried for his lazy twin

Solar gave blaze a teary and pained look, cyclone and thorn recognize that look it was the same look ice gave to quake when thunder-

Blaze also recognize that look and was filled with mixed emotions, his heart shattered and broke into a million pieces, he was angry, depressed,sad and broken

"No" blaze whispered as he fell into his knees, tears were trying to fall from his eyes but blaze tried to blink it away, he clenched his fist

Cyclone was about to go and comfort his brother when he felt giant footsteps behind him

The group turned around and saw the creature they were trying to escape

Where's quake?

That was the first thing they noticed and after that they realized what happened, quake met the same fate as thunder and ice

Blaze clenched his fist and fire balls starts to appear, he looked at the beast with fire in his eyes

"Ahhhhh!" Blaze let out a battle cry before attacking the beast

"No don't!" Solar said rising to the ground, he was met with a blue sky and as he took a look in his surroundings he realized he was dreaming

Or more so...having a flash back

"Why didn't I stop him"solar said to himself, he closed his eyes trying to forget what happened but it seems there were no escaping

"I was supposed to be the strongest element yet I couldn't do anything to save them" solar thought

"Do you want to?" a voice said in his mind, solar jumped in shocked

"W-what? whose there?"solar said defensively

"Don't be afraid I'm on your side" the voice said

"What?"solar asked "w-who are you?

"Just call me solace" the voce answered

"Solace?"solar asked in wonder

"You didn't answer my question"solace said which got solar confused

"What question?"solar asked

"And I thought you were smart, my question do you want to or not"

"Want to what?"solar again asked he doesn't know what the voice was talking about

"Save everyone"

And that everyone was the prologue hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did

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