Chapter 50 - canyon crawlers

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- Third POV -

"No food allowed in the canyon, it attracts dangerous predators" States the guide.

"No food?! This is ridiculous" Exclaim the Gan Jins.

"Oh, you babies can't go a day without good? Would you rather be hungry or dead?" Replies the guide annoyed.

"Now, we're heading down in ten minutes. All the food better be in your gut or in the garbage!" Shouts the guide before leaving the two tribes and teenagers alone. The Zhang tribe quickly shoves food into their mouth, which stands in stark contrast to the Gan Jin tribe, who eats slowly with chopsticks.

"Appa and Mizuki are gonna take good care of you 'til we get here" Reassures Aang to the sick and eldery people who are sitting on Appa's saddle. Mizuki's sitting on the top of Appa's head, holding the reigns.

"See you on the other side, take care!" Beams Aang.

"Seeya Aang! Yip yip" Exclaims Mizuki as Appa ascends.

<time skip, 10 minutes later>

The tour guide earthbends to form a bridge in a gap in the path.

"Nice bending!" Compliments Aang.

"The job's much more than bending, kid. Folks want information" Replies the guide.

"Many of you are probably wondering how canyons are formed. Experts tell us this canyon was most likely carved into the ground by earth spirits who were angry at local farmers for not offering them a proper sacrifice" Explains the guide. Suddenly, an avalanche of rocks comes falling towards them, and the canyon guide earthbends it away from the group.

"Hehe, guess the spirits are still angry! I hope you all brought sacrifices" Chuckles the man. The group enters the canyon floor as the guide stands in front of the two tribes and teenagers. Katara, Aang and Sokka share a worried glance as a huge boulder approaches them.

"Okay, everyone stand clear of the wall" Says the guide before he throws the boulder and destroys the bridge he had made earlier.

"Why'd you do that?" Asks Aang confused.

"These people are fleeing the Fire Nation, aren't they? Gotta make sure we can't be followed. We'll be safe now" Informs the guide. Suddenly, he is picked up by a huge animal. Aang blows away the dust with his airbending to reveal a canyon crawler.

"We gotta help him!" Shouts Sokka as he throws his boomerang at the crawler, which drops the canyon guide and comes after Sokka instead.

"Okay, now we gotta help me!" Shrieks Sokka. Katara comes to his aid and does a water whip on the crawler, but she is quickly thrown aside by another crawler. Aang jumps down and sends multiple air blasts at the crawlers, sending them flying back.

"What was that?" Asks Aang as he turns around to face the canyon guide.

"Canyon crawler. And there's sure to be more" Replies the guide who groans in pain.

"Your arms! They're broken" Points out Katara as she notices the man struggle.

"Without my arms, I got no bending. In other words-" Begins the guide but he gets cut off by Aang.

"we're trapped in this canyon!" Exclaims Aang. Suddenly, Sokka notices food laying on the ground.

"I thought the whole point of ditching our food was so we wouln't have to deal with things like canyon crawlers!" Shouts Sokka angrily.

"It's the Zhangs! They took food down here even after the canyon guide told them not to" Yells Gan Jin's leader.

"What? If there's anyone who can't go without food for a day, it's you pampered Gan Jins!" Argues the Zhang's leader.

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