A Training for the Stars

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Noah sent the Flaming boy in the direction of Kyler and he tried his best to dodge the fireballs that the summoned creature is firing at him, but everytime he is going to dodge, another set of fireballs are already coming on his way to hit him. Thirdy at this time tried to shoot the balls and freeze it, but some of his bullets aren't getting a good effect on it. Instead, the heat overpowers the ice and it melts and evaporates even before hitting the marks.

Thirdy tried to go after Noah himself while being backed up by the support of AmLorr's magic. AmLorr kept emitting a white aura and she kept herself afloat in the distnace of the trainig field. "AmLorr! I need more shield!" Thirdy shouted at AmLorr who is struggling to be far and at the same time, giving enough shield to protect Thirdy from some traps that Noah had set up.

Thirdy Jumped from the ground and releaed a continous barage of bullets directly to Noah's head, but all the bullets have beens scorched by a pillar of fire that came out of the ground. And then, Thirdy felt a warm presence at his back and when he turned his back, he saw the fireboy had been taller and a horn and a pair of leathery black wings. Thirdy saw on his peripheral vision that Kyler was already down for the count and was barely moving. It was the same for AmLorr at the back of the group, and Thirdy finally said, "We give up."

And the giatn flaming man returned into an ordinary young man whose feets are flaming. And a clap was heard from the group that is standing by at the nearby Oak tree. "Good job guys, at least you lasted for a while. And Reighn rushed to AmLorr and Kyler to give them first aid.

"Man, If I were to battle Sir Ly, I would have been no match no matter what." Ean said while looking at Noah who was talking Ly about something. That even his enhanced hearing couldn't hear.

"What If I challenge Ly on a one-on-one?" Rafaiel said while wearing a wide grin on his face.

"Then how about we have a little practice match?" Rafaiel heard the question just behind him and was alerted because he didn't felt the girl's presence at all.

"How'd you get into my back without me noticing?" He ask to the girl.

"It's secret. So how about a duel?"

"Fine, I'll take you on Miss Red." He said and he stood up and began running around and then tranformed himself into a black cat with leather wings as well.

As soon as Rafaiel transformed, multiple black and white magic cirlces appeared on the area. Rafaiel kept himself afloat while waiting for Red to prepare herself.

Red just walked on the grassy patch somewhere on the area and then she released a group of butterflies ranging from colors of deep blue to a series of yellow and red. The critters hovers around Red who wears a meaningful smile towards Rafaiel. "I'm ready when you are." She said.

And that made Rafaiel fire a blockade black and white beams towards Red who was just prancing around like she was dancing while evading the beams.

On the sidelines, Thirdy is looking carefully on how the two fights together. "Wow, Red sure do knows how to perfectly evade attacks, but I think Rafaiel there is over powering her." Thirdy said while looking at the floating black cat who continiously firing random direction shots at the field.

"I wouldn't say that if I were you, Mr. Gunslinger." Noah approached Thirdy who was focused on the fight and seated himself beside the elf.

"How could you say that?" Thirdy reacted in his voice, but his eyes are still glued on the match in front of him. "Rafaiel is a powerhouse in the class, with his Liger transformation as a stregnth type and his cat transformation as a magic based attacks." He explained to Noah who was just listening.

"But, the numbers butterflies of Miss Red are increasing." AmLorr said.

Rafaiel fires a calculated barage of beams from his small magic cirlces to Red who just jumps around and bends through all the Werecat's attacks. When she found an opening, Red then sharpen his fingers that formed like a sharp damascus focusing on a vital part of Rafaiel.

Rafaiel panicked and transformed himself back into a human and jumped a few times back. And after catching his breath, he transformed again into a cat and flew a little higher this time.

"I wish I could transform fast like Rafaiel." Ean voiced out his jealousy over how quick Rafaiel transform into a werecreature back to human and vice versa. Ly heard it and he just laughed Ean out.

"Bro, don't worry, you'll get a fast transformation once you mastered it. And besides, according to the reports, you just discovered that you are a werewolf two months ago." Ly said while standing up watching the fight on how Rafaiel makes Red dance around more. "Rafaiel has been asleep and hiding for a bout a century and is living as a werefolk as far as before I woke up." He smiled at Ean with such energy that made Ean smiled back a little too. "So don't fed up over little thing like that ok?"

"Everyone has to start from somewhere, isn't that what you want to say?" Ean asked and Ly just nodded.

A few minutes has passed and tha barage of beams coming from Rafaile become slower and the number of magic circles decreased. But Rafaiel conitnued to attack Red who was unscathed at the moment while her energy looks like she just had breakfast.

A moment later, Red stopped moving and look directly at Rafaiel and when the cat fired a series of beams, Red just waved her hands in front of her and the butterflies formed a shield in front if her and absored all the attacks.

"Woah, is that her real power?" Kyler asked Noah. Kyler cannot take of his eyes on the giant butterflies that flooded the grassland. The butterflies are much larger than a one story house and the number of those are undeniably dangerous. Each flap of their wings brings tremendous gust of winds.

"No, that is just part of her power." Noah blankly said while wearing a bored expression.

After that, one butterfly emitted a strange white glow and everything went silent for a moment and a blinding flash covered the people on it.

A moment after.

"Ah, and I thought I was winning." Rafaiel said while being tended with bandages around by Reighn and AmLorr. You're overpowered, the match was an overkill!"

"Sorry, I guess I went too far." Red said while trying to recover from the backlash of the spell she used.

"Why is the summoner and his summoned creature here after all?" Rafaiel said in a curious manner. It had caught the attention of Reighn and she stopped midway on cutting the bandages.

"I could ask the same." Thirdy also asked.

Noah then clears up his throat to signal the group that he will be the one to explain.

"We are ordered to train the Stars of Memories."

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