And the front yard is on fire

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I'm getting a really bad feeling." Xenovia noted as the group of Devils waded through the swamp, making as much ruckus as they could, felling trees in their path and creating bridges over deep swamps with their powers, the security team taking flight and flapping around the advancing force to keep an eye out for the enemy. "Aren't swamps usually full of life? I'm not a fan of mosquitoes or bugs or parasites or whatever else lurks below water's surface, but there hasn't been even a single bug here..."

"Which means that there is ambush about. Good deduction, Xenovia-san." Belial nodded, seemingly approving of Xenovia's observation. The blue haired girl wasn't happy that a devil acknowledged her.

"Incoming!" A security devil announced from above, and dodged a rod that looked like a thick arrow.

The second rod soon followed, impacting the now-out of position devil and the thick arrow turned very flexible, tying itself around the suit-wearing devil woman and elicing a scream from her as the undead snake, seemingly shot out of some kind of huge bow, had bit down hard into the woman's stomach and was disrupting her flight by crushing her with its constrining grasp around her body.

The devil fell into the swamp, but before she could be submerged under the water a pair of huge jaws sprang out of the water and snatched her leg, turning the struggle into a long scream as the undead alligator that had bit her rolled around, causing the leg to let a sickening crunch and tear off like a cooked chicken leg.

Belial was beside the woman before the alligator could go for another bite, however, and drop-kicked the undead lizard which sunk below the foul water with a huge splash.

The champion of the Rating Games then reached down to pull the snake off the woman and tear it into pieces as losing its head didn't seem to stop the tail from trying to choke whoever dared to be near it.

"Asia-san, Rias-san! I believe you had some high-speed healing ability?" Belial called as he jumped back to the group with a brief flare of his wings, depositing the dying woman in front of utterly shocked Asia.

"A-ah! Y-yes, I have, ah... please work, [Twilight Healing]!" Asia seemed to get her bearings straight as the situation hit her, breaking her from her stupor. She placed her hands on the wounded woman's shoulders, causing a green light to enter the now-pale woman... and then get rejected back out. "Wha... ow!"

Asia recoiled as the dying devil woman let a groan and lunged at the blonde girl, causing her to fall on her back in the foul knee-deep water.

The now-dead and undead woman groaned as she tried to climb over Asia's prone body to bite her, but Rias kicked the undead security-devil and sent her flying. She followed the attack by throwing a ball of [Power of Destruction] that blasted a huge chunk out the woman's chest, then followed by a ball of fire from Lady Phenix which incinerated the undead devil entirely.

"Be wary. Our enemies use venom." Lady Phenix called to everyone present, then directed the words to the team above which was doing its best to avoid being shot down. "Security team, land on trees! The enemy holds the air!"

"We saw large skeletal figures, looking like combinations of animals and human bones, who were using bows to shoot snakes at us from a long distance away! Who does that?!" One of the security devils reported in a less-than-professional way, which was expected as the woman was clearly shaken by the fate her comrade had suffered. "They use undead snakes as anti-air missiles!"

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