The New World.

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"Is that it?"

Copycat stood in the middle of her room and looked around. It was emptier, two years of her life were packed inside three medium-size boxes. Her crewmates didn't resent her for leaving, but she wasn't allowed to come back unless she learned to control her mimicking.

"You'll be fine without me, won't you?"

"I could ask you the same thing," Kurt raised a brow. "I've been dragging you out of bars for a long time, you sure you can stay out of 'em?"

"Well, on Earth there's Harley," She smiled. "He's in NYU— And you know Pietro's going to keep an eye on me. Give me like six months and all their goody-two-shoes habits will stick to me like chewing gum."

"God bless them," Kurt teased. 

"We'll land in five minutes!" Rocket announced.

The young mutants shared a look of anticipation.

"And so the cycle renews," The girl heaved a sigh.

"You'll be fine," Kurt patted her shoulder.


Copycat walked out of the ship, Pietro's jacket was a perfect fit now, and it was shielding her from the cold winter at the compound's landing area. Kurt was carrying two of her boxes and Rocket was on her shoulder, tightly holding onto her.

Pietro was the first to welcome her: Silver hair had replaced the dark red he used to sport during his teens, and a light beard was adorning his features. Nat and Steve were there too, both only a little different than the last time she'd seen them: the woman's hair was long and red, although the tips were still blonde. Steve's had turned a bit lighter.

"Look at you!" Pietro hugged her, lifting her from the ground. Rocket jumped away with a loud complaint. "You reach my nose! What's that?"

He was pointing at her spear.

"A gift from the Skrulls," She winked.

"We sent you to space as kids and you came back as grown-ups," Nat said teasingly. "Where is our heathen?"

"She shifted into a bastard," Rocket answered. "She's all yours, I don't want 'er."

"Shut up," She pushed him lightly. "I was your best crewmate and you know it."

"Hardly," he scoffed.

It was strange to be back, it felt like a business trip instead of a homecoming.

"It's good to see you, C.C."

Kurt, Rocket, and Cat spoke.

"Sorry?" Steve tilted his head. He didn't understand given that they'd talked at the same time.

"Not C.C.," She repeated. "Cat."

"The Skrulls had a name for her, but she refuses to tell us that one," Kurt added.

"Cause you're not Skrulls," The girl scowled.

"Your old room's ready," Pietro put an arm around her shoulders and walked her to the compound. "I bought your favorite snacks and we'll stay up talking about the things you never told me during our calls—"

"Ask her about the bar fights!"

"Smurf!" She hissed.

"You'll stay the night, guys?" Nat questioned.

"We should get going," Rocket mumbled.

The girl turned on her heels, and her smile, which was already weak, vanished fully.

Copycat: Origins (Marvel Fem!OC)Where stories live. Discover now