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Alex POV


"that's what I think at least"

"Why do you think  that?"

"One, I saw him flinch when the bell rang this morning, two his pencil got stuck to his hand, three he tripped in gym but it was like he was stuck to the floor before, and four he walked across a building sideways" I listed.

"That sounds like a good reason to think that" Ned nods.

"You really think that and not some weird coincidence?"

"Ya I'm sure"

"Ok, how to we PROVE it though?"

"We'll just here me out" Peter started, "his powers sound close to mine with the whole noises and stick thing so what if we test it that way"

"With what?"

"Well spiders don't like peppermint, and the whole fast reflex thing so we could use that to our advantage" MJ offered.

"Smart, I can bring some mint gum and see what he thinks of it" i offered.

"I can throw something at him in the hallway and see if he'll catch it" Ned offered.

"I can try to figure out when and how he got his powers" Peter pitched in.

"I can try to see if he sticks to anything" MJ finished.

"Sounds like we all got a plan"

We ended up talking for a little bit longer and finishing up some homework before Peter had to leave with Ned. They were going to go watch a movie with Aunt May.

So it was just me and MJ left.

"So do you wanna walk around for a little and then we can head back here?" MJ asked.

"Sure I have about an hour before I gotta babysit"

"Nice let's go"

And with that we started walking.



Also me and The friend have probably done a bad thing

We started watching Supernatural 

We're on episode 11 of season 1

Its sooo fun

We're going crazy (also we both love Dean)

Also we're making a Hunting guide book

With all the monsters and how to stuff

It looks awesome 

We're probably gonna die now but it will be a cool and painful way to go (screaming on the inside)

Also if my parents find this I'm going to die

RIP me

(I'm so paranoid)

-update from last night- I did not die I was paranoid tho 

But im alive

-your paranoid Author

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