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TW: strong language.


- Hey, Mark. - I say. I had just called my friend.

- Hey, _______! Why did you call me so early in the morning? - he asks, yawning.

- Sorry about that... Uhm, I need to ask you a favor. - I say.

- Oh? What do you need? - he asks, sounding a bit more awake than before.

- Could you lend me some of your clothes? - I ask, a bit embarrassed.

- Huh? Why? - he asks, confused.

- Uhm... So... I have a... Friend... That needs some clothes and he seems more and less your height... I was wondering if you could lend him some of your clothes until we buy him some. - I say. I was not going to waste my money on clothes for that bastard. After he gets his own money, he'll buy them himself.

- Oh. Alright, no problem. I'll bring them to you in 15 minutes. - he says.

- Thank you so much, Mark! You're the best! - I say and he laughs.

I hang up and turn to Will. He was sitting on the sofa like it was his house. What an asshole.

- Hey, stupid. - I say, obviously referring to him. He rolls his eyes.

- What? - he asks.

- My friend will be here soon to bring you some clothes. - I say.

- Your friend? - he raises a brow.

- Yes. My friend. So please, don't act like... You, and pretend to be at least a little civilized. - I say, going to the kitchen. He "tsk"s.

- Whatever. - he crosses his arms and follows me. - What are we going to eat?

- "we"? - I cross my arms and raise a brow at him.

- Come on, _______. You can't make me starve. Aren't you a good person? - he looks at me with puppy eyes.

- Ugh... - I say with disgust. - Alright. I just don't understand why you need to eat. You're a virus.

- I may be a virus, but from the point that I got my body materialized in the real world I need to eat too. - he sits at the table with an innocent smile.

- Uhum. What do you want to eat? - I ask.

- I want whatever you want. - he says.

I nod. I prepare my breakfast and his, soon putting them on the table and sitting in front of him. We start eating but soon are interrupted. Ding dong. My doorbell. I get up and make my way to the front door, Will's eyes following me. I unlock the door and open it. There was Mark, posing in front of my door and holding a bag, which was probably full of clothes. I laugh.

- Hello, sir. - I say, giggling.

- Hello, sweet ______. How is your morning going? - he says, in a pompous tone.

- It's going alright, what about yours? - I ask.

- It's fine. - he says now in his normal tone. - Here are the clothes you asked for.

- Thank you so much, Mark. Sorry for bothering you with this. - I say, taking the bag.

- Don't worry, it's alright. - he smiles.

- Do you want to come in? Since you're here, at least have breakfast with us. - I say.

- Thanks, _______. - he smiles and enters my house. I close the door. - It looks the same as it did the last time I came here.

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