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The once clean, urban city of Cyberaya now nothing but a deserted wasteland, buildings collapsed and roads littered with debris from cars and trucks to ravaged aircrafts and military vehicles. the cry of a man echoed the nearby neighbourhood, chased by groups of people but with glowing black eyes with piercing blood red irises.

"Urgh, the camp shouldn't be far right now", the man muttered to himself. Clenching his wounded side with his right hand, the other gripping an semi-auto shotgun. He runs while limping away from his pursuers as fast his aching legs can carry.

"You're going nowhere HEHEHAHAAHAHHAA!" One of the "monsters" laughed devilishly, striking fear into the injured man. The man with such great misfortune, tripped on a tire half buried into the ground. Falling face first on the ground with blood oozing from his new fresh wounds.

"Damn it!" cursed and tried to get back into running but it seems like not only his face was injured. his shin was broken and he couldn't stand up. He heard the rushing footsteps of his chasers, closer and closer.

"F#*k, f#*k, F#*K!!!" The man swore even more. Loading his shotgun, he cocked the handle and readied his aim. "They shouldn't be too many...." the man thought to himself. He was so wrong. One by one of his pursuers came and was shot down by him, their heads splattered blood everywhere. Four, six, eight targets shot, their bodies no longer functioning and dropping the knives, daggers and other weapons they held in hand. The poor man sighed in relief, thinking it was over. Unfortunately for him, one final foe came, lifting his meat slicer in the air and swung it down. The man tried to block the hit with his shotgun but the firearm broke in half and the sharp weapon sliced through his chest, he screamed in agony as his killer, massacred him by mercilessly chopping him like cutting fresh meat.

From above a nearby roof, two teenagers stood, watching the event unfold from afar. One of them held binoculars to get a closer and precise visual.

"These things just don't stop killing...." The teenager holding binoculars, breathed a shaky sigh. Her once very cheery and happy-go-lucky demeanor now completely gone replaced with
distress and agitation. Her mute partner looking quite gloomy, having to know how the girl feels. Petrified.

"This is happening all around the world Agent Geetha said.... Is this gonna be the end for humankind? Killing, murdering, eachother like demons at war?" the teenage girl, goes by the name Moon began questiining the universe itself as if she's giving up hope.

Her mute partner became wide-eyed, shocked to see his friend breaking down mentally in front of him. He turned the young girl around swiftly and gave her a tight, warn hug. Rubbing Moon's back while the girl sobs in his shoulder.

"Mom killed Dad! She killed dad! *sobs* Moon silently whined, flashbacks of the horrors she witnessed first hand when the outbreak began. After Moon calmed down a little bit, she and her partner decided to leave the place immediately to avoid detection from the demonic humans scattered all around the city.


"So any breakthroughs in your research, Dayang?" a gruff voiced echoed in the lab, with several tubes holding few demonic humans in place with high security restraints.

"Nothing... I've taken their blood samples, their saliva, did a brain-scan, dna test, everything and there's absolutely no leads to this .... catastrophe" a voice belonging to woman said, she wore a red turban and white labcoat with a thin red stripe in the middle. Ganz, the owner of the gruff voice sighed.

"We're slowly loosing our agents to "them", and Othman suggested extreme military command should take over. He said that other neighbouring countries can't help due to them being compromised by those things." Ganz summed up everything from the discussion between him and Othman. He isn't fond of the idea of that .... since among the military there are infected. He saw many have been killed by the demons..... No one knew how the virus or desease spreads. Not even Dayang or the Pioneers.

from afar.... a tower, built with spikes protruding right at the city centre visible to all. At the top of the tower stood a man in a cloak, hiding his entire physic including his face. Only visible are his piercing blood red eyes.

"Humankind have commited many, countless, disgusting sins on this earth. I shall cleanse this world by annihilating every last human and shall I restore nature from the damage done by the parasite humans!" the man vowed with all his might, his dark and horrific voice echoed the entire earth. Sending chills to every single uninfected individual.

"Who's that?"

"I don't know but we must find out"

Ejen Ali Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now