The Dragon Family 03

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Euclidean's Trivia!!!

Euclidean's favourite food is actually apple!

-The reason why he allowed Raziel to enter the fortress was because the sack had something shiny red peeking on the opening which is why he thought they were apples.

-But eversince Raziel was traumatized by the apple, he burnt the apples without second thought.

Euclidean's Attribute is Schadenfreude.

-An attribute connected to Despair. Although he has sadistic tendencies, what he enjoyed most are pains and misfortunes that wasn't caused by him. Which is why he is stronger in crowded places, especially at war where it mostly occurs.

-Raziel knew this that's why he suggested the Coliseum.

-This attribute can give him the power to control anyones fate to become unlucky(really really painfully unlucky that most of the time the victims die even before ten seconds) to every step he does while his attribute is at work (he probably used that on Raziel and Cale unknowingly. Lmao).

●Someone asked on the comment section why Raziel was exposing himself  when he hides that he was a dragon?

-Raziel hates being a dragon so he indirectly denies it like saying he's a researcher, traveler, a crown prince, mage or just any human affiliation that he can associate himself. He doesn't hate other dragons tho. (I'm actually preparing an explanation for this since it's connected to his attribute awakening 😅)


It was a one long tiring conversation on Raziel's part as he stood beside Eruhaben-- no, he was actually sitting on Eruhaben's lap awkwardly.

It was after he noticed Raziel was bored and exhausted so he pulled his nephew and let him sit on his lap while speaking with Cale.

This earned him an odd look from the others as he caressed his nephew's head to sleep. His arms as pillows on the table while his head being combed by the golden dragon's fingers.

Everyone noticed how Cale was petting Raon's head on the other side and Eruhaben doing the same. When the ancient one noticed that his nephew had plopped asleep, he suddenly had a petty idea.

He then turned to Pendrick and handed him a recording device.

"Pendrick." He said.

"Yes Eruhaben-nim?" The young elf asked, in his palm, he held the recording item.

"Record me and my nephew. I'm going to send a report(brag) to this kid's father." He explained.

"R-Right away Eruhaben-nim!" He said, activating the device, recording the uncle and nephew duo.

Cale, Raon, Choi Han, Rosalyn, Ron, Beacrox, aOn and Hong watched the golden dragon became even more arrogant.

"Euclid, you're son seems very tired taking care of his uncle as you can see. I bet no one's taking care of your old self there." He said and smirked. When the recording ended, everyone were dumbfounded. So shocked that they could only look at Eruhaben with strange eyes.

The way he bragged about how worried Raziel was for his health and serving him herbal tea with such 'on the verge of tears worrying for uncle' look-- which did not happen, actually and then sent it to Euclidean.

Then their topic continued as if nothing happened.

"Kid, you stay here." Eruhaben suddenly told Raon.

"What?" The child was confused.

"You're very weak right now."

"No! I am strong! I can protect the human!" Raon slammed his paw on the table shocking Raziel who quickly shot up awake, his red head making contact with eruhaben's chin.

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