Store Bought Muffins

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TW smut like writing, panic attacks

Skeppy POV

I woke up, in my own bed, sad that I wasn't with Bad right now. Then I remembered last night. We kissed.
So now all I have to do is tell him that I want to be boyfriends with him, and bada bing bada boom. Easy.

I knock on Bad's door, but no answer. He must be still asleep. I slowly opened the door, so I wouldn't make a lot of noise. I saw Bad sleeping on his bed with his glasses still on.
I took his glasses off and set them on the nightstand. I crawled on the bed next to Bad and spooned him.

Bad woke up about 20 minutes later, and hugged me. I hugged back and put my head on his shoulder. I started to kiss his neck. He moaned softly but pulled away from the hug and looked down. Maybe what I did was a bit too much.
"Bad I-" I began to say
"No it's okay muffinhead." Bad said
I wanted to do it more, but I didn't want to force Bad to love me. So I sighed and got out of his bed and went back to my room.

I fed the dogs and scrolled through Twitter and looked at some fanart when I felt weight go on me (idk how to say it). I looked over my shoulder and Bad was there, on top of me.

"Skeppy, I hope this isn't too embarrassing to ask, but can we cuddle?"
"Of course its not embarrassing. Sure we can cuddle." I answered back
I led Bad to my room, and I told him to get on the bed. He obeyed and I also went on my bed.
We cuddled, but neither of us fell asleep. I decided to try my luck again, and I kissed Bad's neck. He moaned so quietly I could barley hear him, but he didn't push me back.

"Bad if you want me to stop then you can just say so, okay?"

Bad nodded and I continued to kiss his neck.
After a little bit of doing that, I nibbled his neck, and Bad jumped. I bit a little harder, careful not to make him bleed.
I held Bad's hand, and he squeezed mine. I ran my hand through his hair and kept biting his neck, leaving a bruised hickey.

I stopped because I didn't want to hurt Bad anymore. Bad was panting a bit. I hugged him, and kisses his forehead, and Bad's breathing got slower and he fell asleep.
Since it was 10:00 and neither of us had breakfast, I wanted to surprise Bad with it.
I didn't feel like cooking because I was lazy. So I took Bad's keys to his car and drove to the store to buy something. Since Bad likes muffins, I get that for breakfast. I went to the bakery area of the store and looked at the different types of muffins. Blueberry, chocolate, raspberry, lemon...
I don't know Bad's favorite kind of muffin. So I JUST BOUGHT ALL OF THEM MWUAHAHAHAHAHA

I had my own money because I didn't want to waste Bad's money. I checked out, paid, and went to the parking lot to Bad's car.


I woke up in Skeppy's bed. I looked around for Skeppy but I couldn't find him.
I rubbed my neck remembering what Skeppy did to it. I got up and went out of his room to look for him.
I looked everywhere in my house. I ran around calling his name. Rocco came out looking confused. I didn't think this was a troll. My breathing picked up it's pace.
"SKEPPY?!?" I cried out
Tears threatened. My vision became blurry. I curled up into a ball in the kitchen, crying hard.
Skeppy is MY responsibility. How could I loose him?

I looked for my car keys, but I couldn't find them anywhere. I stumbled outside running around the block, calling and shouting Skeppy's name.

I placed my hand over my mouth, and cried and cried so hard. I couldn't see and I tripped over a rock, into a ditch. I blacked out after the fall.

Skeppy POV

I got out of Bad's car when I pulled into his driveway, and skipped inside.

"Bad I got you muffins~" I said
No answer.
He must still be sleeping
I checked my room, but no Bad.
Maybe he went to his room
I checked his room. No Bad.
I checked every room in the house. Still no Bad.
I heard Rocco whining at the door and scratching it. He never scratched the door before, so I knew something was wrong.

"Rocco, where's Bad?"

Ooh cliffhanger. Kind of.

Should I do smut? Please tell me, I'm so indecisive and I don't want people to get mad at me if I do it but they don't want it. So please please please tell me

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