Chapter 1

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The decision about life and death.

He had a tall, dark shape and we bowed our heads. We didn't dare look at his face, it was so terrifying that our legs trembled just at the thought.

Our father gave us two scales to decide our fate. He was death, our mother life. My brother and me were meant to be the balance, but it was only natural that we each tended in one direction.

My brother hated this world and if he could he would travel to another galaxy. He had always been more like my father, both loved to blow out a person's last light and watch the last moment of their life fade in their eyes.

I, on the other hand, was like my mother, I was happy here and had prepared my whole existence to become a servant of life.

I looked at my brother's figure. He had a stooped posture, and given his size, that was only more noticeable.

He was like a shadow trying to disappear into the darkness. But my father would not allow that. Not today.

I turned my attention back to my scale and stared at it with all my force, as if I could influence the outcome.

On the left was a skull, on the right a flower. I loved flowers, I loved how they blossomed and filled a room with their scent. They were so natural and illustrated the beauty of nature...Also of life.

I loved life and I loved all the plants, people and animals that inhabited this world. That's why I had been so sure that I would represent this beautiful side.

But I was too sure, I had set my hopes too high, just like a bird that dared to touch the end of the sky....

The scale decided for me and no creature in this world could change it. I shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other. I had had a terrible suspicion the whole time.

I sometimes had visions...they were mostly unclear like a dream, but they showed a possibility of the future. I had seen a dead flower running like blood through my hands, dripping onto cold ice.

I knew it, but didn't want it to be true. It was like an arrow in my chest that I couldn't remove or it would tear everything inside me.

I shook my head to focus on the present. I had to face this situation, it was my destiny and I had to walk this path.

Finally, the scale tipped to the left. I had guessed it all this time and yet it was a shock. I gasped and slowly turned my head to my brother. But he didn't look at me, he focused all his attention on his shaking hands. He also knew it was useless to deny the fact that he was now life
and I was death.

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