We're not naked Peter Parker

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Yelena decided to leave shortly after seeing Kate jet out of the mat area, being worried was an understatement. The last day she's been trying to drop hints trying to see if Kate got it, because god she loved that woman, she's never been so damn sure of something. She wants her but a part of her thinks that Kate won't want it.

Which started to seem more and more obvious.

But that didn't matter right now Yelena was worried for her friend, worried for Kate. She doesn't want this life for her, the pure innocent archer, she has a life to live, a normal life. It's not too late.

When Yelena finally reaches Kate's room she hears the slightest sound of crying. Yelena's worry sky rockets as a sob breakthrough. She wants to barge in through the door but she's afraid, afraid that Kate won't want her right now. So she stays right there outside of the door listening to the small sobs until they drift and are completely gone.

She waits another good 10 minutes to be sure and then slowly opens the door, the scene in front of her hurts her more than it should.

Kate curled up into a small ball in the corner, tears still visible on her face, but she's asleep, out cold.

Yelena sighs walking over to the archer and slowly crouching beside her wiping the tears still sitting on her cheek. Kate curls more into her little ball, her brows furrowing deep like she's in pain.

Yelena instantly realizes what this is, a nightmare, something she's too familiar with.

"Shh, it's okay, it's okay no one is going to get hurt , not on my watch little hawkling, you hear me? I won't let it happen." She whispers into Kate's ear hoping that she gets the message she doesn't want to wake Kate.

Kate mumbles something Yelena can't hear before moving slowly up her ball and across the floor, small snores escaping her lips. Yelena smiles at this, never has snores been so attractive before.

Stop it. Her mind instantly shouts, and it's right she's just here to put Kate into bed and save her from a sore neck or back from the morning.

Yelena carefully slid one of her arms under Kate's legs and another around her neck before slowly lifting her bridal style.

Kates are surprisingly light for all the frozen pizza they eat. Yelena thinks before lowering her down onto the bed. Yelena takes a piece of Kate's hair that somehow made its way into the archers mouth pulling it back behind her ear. It was a thing Yelena liked to do, Kate's hair was so soft and wild, really wild. It fit Kate.

With one final look at Kate, Yelena pulled the covers up to her chest about to make her way to the door when Kate's hand reached out latching onto Yelena wrist weakly.


Yelenas breathes hitches and she waits for Kate grip to drop from her wrist so she can leave but it doesn't leave and Yelenas afraid that if she moves she will definitely wake Kate.

Yelena lets out a little chuckle, "Okay, маленький ястреб. I will stay."

Yelena slowly monrows her way into the bed. Kate's grip leaves her wrist and wraps around her waist snuggling closer to her head resting on Yelena's chest.

This is everything to Yelena. Her entire world right here in her arms, she just wants to stay here forever.

She wraps her arms around Kate vowing to protect her, she lets Kates stay there head resting on her chest so she can hear the heartbeat and know that Yelenas are here and she's not going anywhere.

Roommates-A Yelena and Kate adventureWhere stories live. Discover now