chapter 16

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--------------------------------------------------------------AAARRRGGHH: Must leave!

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AAARRRGGHH: Must leave!

Jim: Come on! Let's get out of here!

Huge timskip

Toby, human blinky, and you were watching as Jim and Claire were talking with each other. You were bored since Jim didn't know what to say to claire, so you just went up and just walked away to the other side of the forest.

Y/n was actually having her own fun by herself. She was just looking around the area, where flowers are and stuff. Y/n was called by Claire and claire explained what had happened while y/n was away. Which made y/n mad and worried.

<Skipping an episode>

Y/n heard that claire had the staff which made her worried since its angor rot's staff with dark magic and stuff. But y/n, was busy trying to read the book that was found in the backyard of Jim and y/n's mother house. Y/n began to read it, and it was explaining the past of the Japanese past of the war between demons and humans. Y/n saw the name Nezuko Kamado. You then realized that you and her were the same, but the only difference is that y/n can't turn back into human.

Y/n began to feel sad, but she knew that she had to deal with it. Y/n began to go downstairs, just to hear a very loud thud. She hurried downstairs to see the furniture. She was confused, but began to clean up the place.


Y/n was looking around the backyard one night and was training due to reading the book, you saw a very wounded bird coming down near you, you went over to the bird. You began to wrap the wounded wing on the bird.

The bird began to speak with you saying thank you and it's in your debt until the bird dies or you die. You just nodded and just head patted the bird. You stood back up and went back to training while the bird was just watching.


It was morning, you began to walk with Claire to class, she began to speak and talk with you. You were sitting down taking notes, until you saw claire stood up and just leaving the room. Making you worried, so you raised your hand and began to sign language to the teacher which made him sigh and just sent you to the bathroom.

You left the classroom, and Claire was already gone so you just began to try to sense where she is, you found out where she is. Before y/n could go over to her, she saw some of the other students acting very weird and they were scared?

Then you just heard fighting which was strange since you were not very much of a very good listener you have to say. So you began to head over to the fighting noise.

You head over to the fighting noise to see angor rot fighting Jim who seems to be loking the other way. You ran over to them very quickly. You kicked angor rot away and landed behind Jim, you hum angrily at angor rot as he began to stand up.

That's when y/n went over to Jim and slapped him to wake him up which worked in your favor. Both you and Jim looked at angor rot who was holding Jim's sword.

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