Chapter 7

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Seth POV

Should I tell her now? But I'm scared of her reaction. What if she runs away? I know she likes Ryder. I'm not sure if Ryder likes Avery but he behaves a bit differently when Avery is there. I will never know what will happen if I don't try.

I paused the game. This is it. This will decide what will happen.

After I told her my feelings, she didn't respond. What's wrong? What eas she thinking?

"Urm, Ave? You okay?" I asked her.

"Uh, yeah. I just don't know what to say. I don't have any feeling towards you. And I don't want to hurt you,"

"It's okay. Just give a try? Please?" I begged. I know I sound desperate but what can I do? I really love her, I don't know if I like her or love her. But from what I feel, I think it's love. I really want to be with her.

Avery ended up rejecting me.

Of course she will reject me. What was I even thinking. She likes Ryder. She's too perfect, I'm not worth it. But I'm not gonna give up. If I truly love her, I won't give up.

I walked out of her house. I turned back to look at her house. I'll wait for you Avery. It doesn't matter if I have to wait for 5 years. I love you enough to wait.


Avery's POV

I am speechless. Did I hurt him? I wonder what he will do when I see him with the others. I don't know how to feel about this. I feel sorry that he likes me but I don't.

I called Rachel and told her about this.

"Aww, that's so cute! He said he won't give up. That's so cute! He really loves you, ya know," Rachel exclaimed.

"I know. But I don't have any feelings for him. I don't want to hurt him. Won't it be awkward when I see him with the rest. I mean, wil he act as if nothing happened or what?"

"Chill girl, you'll know when the day comes. Just relax and forget that it never happened,"


"I'm bored, let's do something," Rachel changed the subject. I'm thankful that I have a friend who is understanding.

"What do you want to do?" I asked.

"I wanna hang out with the guys. I kind of miss them. Haven't seen them for a few days," I laughed at her response.

"Well, okay. I'll ask them if they're free. Text you back later,"

"Okay, bye," and we hanged up.

I threw my phone on the couch and sighed. Will Seth go? I feel like I'm looking at him in another way. I used to see him like a brother who likes to joke around. Now, it's like he'd become matured.

I picked up my phone and texted the boys.

'I'm free. My house?' Ryder replied after a few seconds. That was fast.

"Okay. I'll tell the rest' I replied.

'I told them already. I'm picking u up'

I smiled. Gosh, Ryder's so sweet! He's just making me like him more.

I went up my room to change. Went I went back down, the door bell rang.

I opened the door and saw Ryder with a dog. Why did he bring a dog here?

"This is for you," he handed me the dog. It was cute.

"Why? It's not my birthday today. There's still months to go,"

"I know. But I might not be back by then. My father wanted my help so I have to go to some where else. I'll give it to you now in case,"

"Oh. When are you coming back?" I asked as I petted the dog.

"Maybe a month to months," I nodded.

"What breed is it?" I asked curiously. I've seen this breed before but I have no idea what's its name,"

"That's for me to know and for you to find out. Tell me when I come back,"

I pouted. "Alright,"

He smiled. "Let's go then, the rest are there."

When I got in his car, I remembered something.

"How did Rachel get there?"

He smiled knowingly.

"Jackson picked her up," he answered. I smirked. This is interesting.

We talked with each other non-stop until we reached Ryder's place.

He opened the door of his house and gestured for me to go in. I thanked him and went inside.

I saw Seth alone in the living room. Where's Jackson and Rachel?

"Where did Jackson and Rachel go?" Ryder asked.

"I don't know. I think they are at the guest room," Seth shrugged and smirked at me.

"Well, go and find them. See what they're up to. I don't want to see anything which harms my eyes," I told Seth.

"Okay," Seth said as he looked between Ryder and I.

We sat on the sofa and watched the sports chanel which Seth was watching.

After awhile, Seth came down with a smug look. Followed by a blushing Rachel and a grinning Jackson.

Oh, something must had happened.

I looked at Seth. He pointed to his lips.

I smiled inwardly. They kissed. So what next. Will they be together?

"So, what now?" I started tbe conversation.

"Since Ryder won't be here on your birthday so how bout we do a mini celebration?"Jackson answered.

"Yeah, we should. Let's have some fun then," Seth said.

"What fun?" I asked him. But he just grinned and said, "you'll know later."

So, what Seth planned was actually a water fight.

Ryder was protecting me from Seth who was trying to splash water on Rachel and I. Jackson was protecting Rachel, obviously. Jackson and Ryder were wet while Rachel and I were mostly dry.

But suddenly, both Ryder and Jackson turned and hugged us both. Making us both wet.

Ryder had a strong, hard chest. It was warm although his shirt was wet. It was comfortable. I blushed a little.

He let go of me and grinned. It was then Seth splashed water on us. I shrieked and started shouting at him. Ryder and Seth jist laughed. I hit Ryder at his arm but it was of no use. He was made up brick.

I started chasing Seth.

Seth screamed. It was high-pitched scream. Everyone laughed. Somehow, I managed to catch up with Seth and pinned him on the ground. Jackson handed me a bucket of water and I splashed it on Seth.

Seth screamed again. I stood up, satisfied with what I've done.

As I turned around and started walking, strong arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back into a chest. I turned around and saw a grinning Seth.


I really can't stop myself from updating this chapter. I am starting to love Ryder and Seth. Gosh, I can't choose between the two.

Who do you prefer most?

I kinda like how my story's going.

Oh right, this is my longest chapter. :)

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