Ch-2: New Setting

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"Dude, are you serious right now?" Mason whooped on his phone leaving behind his homework for a minute.

"Hell ya! I am." Liam replied.

"I mean you are dead serious, right? You are moving in alone to a new house and you are walking your way there in the middle of the night, all alone. Why?"

"I don't know man; I need to clear my head up from all the mess. Need to focus on my career for a while. I thought why not make a new start? So, there's an old lady my dad has contacts with; she's looking for tenants, so I'mma fill up that spot for her. I guess Dad's promotion shall be enough to fill the rental dues."

"Wow, that's a hell of an explanation. But why go there alone? you could've called me."

"Why is that so concerning? I mean- I don't think anyone would dare to sexually assault a werewolf, right?" he joked.

"you haven't heard the news..have you?"

"What news?"

"Newborn children are going missing Liam...last time I heard the news a four-year-old kid was going missing from the hospital... I don't know if it's abduction or..."


"..or...something else.."

"Dude..I'll be fine.."

"Liam don't pretend that everything's always cool. Okay? you don't even know the context, the news channel is starting to put questions on the supernatural in Beacon Hills..that's not normal you know.."

"Are you serious? It's just been a few days since.."

"..yeah few days since people started accepting your supernatural friends..but it is what it is I told you the truth, now you get to decide what you wanna do.."

"Okay, I get what you're saying, I promise I'll be careful.."

"Man, the high school's almost done, final exams are knocking on the door, your jokes still suck, Literally, and here you are, moving into a new place at midnight, acting everything is completely okay. What the hell is going on dude?"

"Everything's fine, don't worry. Okay, I gotta hang up now, I think I am close to the place. Bye"

"Okay, bye. But text me later, you owe me a sound explanation."

"Sure thing."

Liam brought the piece of paper close to his eyes while taking a halt under the streetlights. "Okay, what have we got here? Mrs. Polly Jones, 76 Campton road, Beacon hills."

He turned his head up facing the old architectural residence, trying to match the words on his paper with the address carved on a metallic plate, In front of the house.

Yes, this was it. He's finally doing it.

Things will take a turn soon, he thought to himself. The grey-painted house looked old, but it had a very delightful and admirable view from the outside.

Out of the blue, a vibration from his hips made him flinch.

You have reached your destination. A gentle voice spoke from nowhere.

Liam winced at that weird voice.

He turned on the power button of his phone to see that google maps were left on. This was a new setting he was not particularly aware of.

He had this thing on, all the time while he was on phone with Mason. Had he been more conscious back then, he could've avoided the unnecessary hurdle of reaching that house manually.

However, he noticed something odd behind him. There was a man with a dark black tux and gelled back hair who kept staring at him but, when Liam saw him, that man started going away immediately.

He took a deep breath in and let it all out slowly in the coldness of the dark night, before stepping forward towards the front door and raising his right arm for reaching the doorbell.

At the point when his fingers were millimeters away from touching the doorbell, Liam almost jumped out of his skin, as the doorknob twisted and opened the door revealing an old woman in her late sixties.

Her pale skin was a little crouched, which was quite obvious for someone of her age, her thin hair was silvery white, and was pinned into a small bun at the back of her head, she had worn rounded spectacles with bold black frames, that were about to fall off from the tip of her small, blunt nose.

"Looks like we already have our new member." She genuinely smiled out of joy.

"Mrs. Jones?" he tried to confirm.

"Now what the hell is a Jones?" her expressions turned from joyful to a sudden shock within seconds.

Liam was dead-nervous by now. He scratched the back of his head in discomfiture and turned his head around to confirm if he was in the right place.

He could've sworn that he had correctly matched the written address on the piece of paper with the original house residence just now.

"Sorry, I thought this...I...." he stammered, not being able to bring up any reason.

He was cut off by her die-hard-laughter. 

She spoke out "No offense, but you must've pissed on your pants by now, young man. You are in the right place. Couldn't get any more right. Now get in before someone abducts that young ass of yours..."

She noticed Liam's surprised expressions and asked, " haven't heard of it?"

" this point I feel like I might be the only one in this town who's unaware of this news."

she smiled like a maniac at this comment.

Liam rolled his eyes but eventually, he gave in and joined her maniacal laughter, while slowly following her track into the house. It was an embarrassing laugh, though.


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