2️⃣5️⃣ [ Telling You My Past ]

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Last Time~

Tok Aba: Bye and if you ever need any help just come to me

Boboiboy: I will! *transforms into girl*

Aaron: See you soon! Dark Teleportation! *a portal appears and she went back to Astroria*

Tok Aba: This kid is already 31 but still need help. I hope she can win this time.

Back on Astroria~

Aaron: *flops on bed* I am tired as h*ll! *sleeps*

After few hours

Aaron: *opens eyes* ಠ_ಠ I can't sleep maybe if I call Ice she-

Gopal: Good morning dood!

Aaron: Will you let me sleep ಠ_ಠ

Fang, Yaya, Ying and Ochobot: -_-''

Gopal: What? You promised to tell the whole story today so here we are to listen your story

Aaron: Yeah yeah I will I will

Others: ಠ_ಠ Are you even real Boboiboy we knew

Aaron: I am! *turns into boy*

Boboiboy: Now let me tell you the story~




Ages Ago~

??: Hah~ I am tired of doing this shitty homework and that space 'Galaxy Rebel' work everyday!

?? 2: I know that Aaron but what can we do

Aaron: Hmm.. *rolls on the bed while playing with pen* Guess you are right Aora but I am tired with all of these.  Being a 'Galaxy Rebel' is also a tiring job.  

Aora: Hehe you know you are acting like a kid now

?? 3: Hey you two should be studying right now

Aaron and Aora: Moon Bot? What are you doing here?

M B (Moon Bot): Nothing just came to see if you are studying or not

Both: Hehe *nervously scratches head*

Aaron: Hey Aora let's practice for a while

Aora: Yeah from the new power mom gave us


Alisa: I believe in you Ra and Aar.

Aaron: Thanks mom

Aora: Yeah we promise to control this power and save the Galaxy!

Alisa: *giggles and hugs both of them* I trust you two that you will! I love you both.

Aora and Aaron: We love you too mom! *hugs back*

Alisa: Promise me Aaron you will protect the whole Galaxy with your dad

Aaron: I promise mom *smiles*

End of flashy

Aaron: Sure

After training

Aora: You are so tough *panting*

Aaron: I- *panting and coughing* know

?? 4: Aaron! Aora! Lunch is ready!

Aaron and Aora: Coming mom!

Alisa: Also Moon Bot go and call Amato for me

M B: Aye Aye mam!

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