Chapter 33: Will you forgive me?

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Raine Simmons- Blackwood

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Raine Simmons- Blackwood

"Where are we going, your majesty?"

He, probably annoyed with my banter, groaned in frustration. "I kidnapped you, Simmons. Why should I tell you?" He rolled back his eyes.

I just huffed in annoyance. "Would it hurt you to tell me? Who's being secretive now?" I scoffed, earning a scowl.

"We are going home. There, I said it. Happy?" He said in an annoyed tone as kept driving. He frowned, biting his lip.

God help me but, why did I find him cute?
And to my utter disbelief, I chuckled remembering his face as I stared outside.

"Ouch!" I groaned, rubbing my forehead. His car suddenly came to a halt. Well, my head hit the dashboard even before he placed his arm, preventing the hit.

"That wouldn't have happened had you put on your seat belt." He mumbled, removing his seat belt.

Huffing in annoyance, I patted his hand away from me as I touched the swollen part.

"That was the punishment for laughing at you, wasn't it?" I glared. He seemed dumbfounded.

"What? Oh right! Yes! Glad you got it." He snapped before getting out, leaving me alone inside.

He checked the bonnet and soon returned in a few. He sighed, massaging his temples.

"Ugh!!! I swear to god, imma—"

"Let's leave your car here. We can walk." I cheered, looking at him. He looked as if I had grown a set of horns.

"Are you serious?" He shot up his eyebrow.

"I am going." I got out and started to walk.

I removed the sweatshirt and tied it around my waist. The feeling of cool air touching my body was awesome. It carried away my worries.

My happiness of enjoying nature and weather lived short as I came across a little boy and a girl. Unknowingly I got lost in my own thoughts until someone snapped their fingers right in my face.

He kinda looked worried but he masked it up real quick or it could all be me, right?

"You alright?" I nodded rapidly. "Then, Let's go." He said, pulling me with him.

All along the way, our people bowed to us and greeted us. And soon, we reached the palace and… I stopped.
He probably didn't notice it as he walked ahead of me a couple of steps.

Maybe, I should wait here.

I turned around, kicking the dirt particles off the grass patch. It seemed so interesting at the moment that I aimlessly kept doing it until I was pulled into a hug.

When they pulled away, I was shocked, looking at who it was. Mum and Dad?

Their smiles didn't falter as my eyes widened. I stepped back away from them. I stared at his majesty's retreating back and all of a sudden, he stopped.

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