- Thirty Two

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Adisyn Kay Wise

I finish taking a sip of the champagne and start walking over to Angel.

She's leaning by the bar drinking the champagne and smiling "Hey," I whisper and take off my coat to lay it on the chair.

I sit down and she turns to me "How's Miss Kay doing?"

I smile at her "I'm doing pretty well,"


I'm too tempted to not dare to ask "Where's Reed?"

Her brows furrow "Why?" I shake my head and she realizes what I'm trying to say without having to say it "I don't know where he is do want me to ask Ana for you?" I nod and she goes on her phone to text Ana.

A couple minutes later Ana responds and Angel looks at me "He. . . came?" I look at her immediately after "But he left? Ana said he left alongside Tate and Theo,"

I sigh and nod "I would be lying if I said I didn't expect it."

She pouts and holds her breath for a second "Do you like him?"

I look at her and shake my head "It's so hard to become friends with someone and start caring about them equally as much as you care about friends you've known for years."

She nods "I know, love, I know." She takes a sip of her wine "Do you care about him as much as you cared for Reece?"

I look at her for a bit too long because I'm trying to think "Sorry I shouldn't have asked that—"

"No, I don't."

I shake my head "Reece was. . ." I laugh a little "That guy flipped my world upside down in the best way possible."

I smile as I think about him "No one will ever compare to what Reece was for me." She smiles "No person that I may ever be with will be like Reece because there is just one Reece in this world. So even if Reed brings me memories of Reece. . . He will never even be a factor of what Reece was to me."

She smiles and grabs my hand "I'm so proud of you Adisyn." I smile at her "You're growing into this amazing human being, I'm so proud."

I smile "Thank you,"


This stupid necklace keeps bothering me it feels like it's suffocating me? I wouldn't be wearing it if it wasn't because Ana mentioned how the classier I look the more I'll fit in and apparently that's more important to these people than my actual designs!

Which still if you were to ask me I believe most of these events are filled with fake people and fake emotions... and money. Which is primarily why I'm here because It's a need and I need to get somewhere in life.

Especially right now that I have Amelia coming over with my brother who I really don't want to disappoint. I know my dad will ask Amelia how I'm doing and I know Amelia is going to tell him and I know my dad is going to be disappointed.

I flash a smile at some people as I walk to the restrooms because I really need a break and I know that I definitely need to retouch how I look because I probably look exhausted!

My phone starts ringing and I stare at it for a couple seconds, the number says unknown but I'm pretty sure this is theos phone number and I probably just forgot to save it again.

"Good evening, my love."

My brows furrow "I'm sorry who is this?"

I hear them chuckle "Looks like you really have been trying hard to forget about me?" What. "It's Reed, darling."

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