Minimize Using SNS

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I saw a shared post of a friend on Facebook about this 102 year old (not verified) man who still works for a living. He doesn't want to ask for money or help from his family cos he didn't want to be dependent on them. I felt sad when I saw his pictures. He's too old to carry the heavy swing he makes to sell.

A thought struck me, I decided to stop using and updating on Facebook (the only SNS I'm addicted to). It's not that I don't want to see posts like that but I felt bad cos I spend a lot of time online without thinking that there are struggling people, especially in impoverished countries. It seemed like I enjoyed wasting my time online especially on Facebook scrolling my newsfeed. It divides my attention to my son (though I usually use my phone or read whenever he's asleep) but still, there were times that I still update online. I thought how about cutting off my time scrolling on Facebook completely. However, I still have to use Messenger or WhatsApp since they are my means for communicating with my family in the Philippines.

My heart is always with the unfortunate people. I'm not doing this cos I felt guilty but to improve the way I spend my time and to make more time with my son, focus on doing chores at home and work on something worthy, useful and more productive.

Yuchae Moon

Unheard Voice and Unexpressed Feelings [2020-2021]Where stories live. Discover now