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Andreas' endless horny rage had slowly transitioned into something a little sunnier—an endless horny humor. And he hadn't asked me to release him...I'd been told that generosity would never come again and to enjoy the kind offering of his body while it lasted—unless, of course, I decided having his body to play with is something I'd like to explore with further in the future. And it will be.

The sweet anger slowly diminished after the first few hours of pattering around the bed, dressing into different outfits for the sole purpose of provoking him, using his body as a pillow, subtly touching his cock, and feeding him with my fingers. But it wasn't too gladdening that no more of this anger kindled because the main reason he'd been able to sit gleeful in his chains was because he'd managed to ejaculate near midnight.

Without touching himself.

Soon after gawking at him roar out his pleasure and release all over his groin, I had to abandon my phone which I'd been flicking through for an hour, hop off his desk with numbed thighs, and begin to upbraid him.

"What is this, Andreas?!" He had looked at me, panting with his head thrown back. "Is this how indecent you can get? Enough that you can cum using your dirty fucking brain? You don't deserve to fucking cum! Why the fuck did you cum?"

"How," he breathed, "am I, a male with an undying attraction to you and a cock that's been edged for hours, meant to bear watching you sit naked and pretty on my desk without reaching the peak of excitement?"

"Gosh!" I stomped through to the bathroom and ripped a line of tissue from its roll. When I returned, knelt over him and cleaning up his mess, his frown snatched my attention.

"My apologies. Physically, withstanding that much torture would've been detrimental had I not released myself from it. I do wish you get a little less beautiful so that I never do this in the future."

"Don't compliment me." I had continued to wipe him, replaced the used tissues with the clean ones I set aside.

"How can I not? It's extremely difficult. So, so difficult with a face like yours before me."

"Shut up."

"Is my cock getting harder?" He had lifted his head, widened his eyes in false surprise at the cock that was, in fact, stiffening at my touch. "Oh no, baby. Your beauty has won me over again." He had dropped his head. "This is extremely inconvenient. How will I fall asleep now?"

Following a finish of my clean and wash up for bed, I'd been left with unfunny jokes linked to my abandonment of my workplace duties and how I'd soon be destitute with no home. Another thing he'd managed to do other than his spontaneous penis eruption was irk me enough to aim for out the door. He'd made a promise to the life of his garden that he'd shut up, and surprisingly, I slept through the night, even with him occupying most of the mattress.

I find him fast asleep as I inch off the bed, tranquil and undisturbed. The first thing I need to do is jot down a quick message to leave behind for him, and the sticky notes from his desk let me do just that. I peel off the yellow piece of paper and adhere it to his phone which I've left a few explicit images in just to atone for yesterday's incident.

The fit I dress myself into after showering and brushing my teeth accentuates the ink along my hands and shoulders. The tattoo is a mix between black and grey, and my jeans are black, my tight singlet grey. That leaves me with a conspicuous burst of color on my dark appearance―the red acrylics. A quick finish of red lipstick and I'm finally ready to leave.

But then there's the matter of Andreas. I turn away from the long mirror and pad towards him, staying alert just incase his waking disrupts my assignment to unbind him. Satisfied that he's deep into the realm of his dreams, I click off a manacle and gently lower his arm. With the next removal, I'm instantly stealing out the door and treading softly down the stairs.

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