Chapter 31: King and Queen

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School have been over for half a day to give the students time to prepare for the acquaintance night in Rintis Highschool. Every students are in their home, dressing up and refreshing to before they go to the school.

Especially for the final event for tonight. The King and Queen of the Night. Whoever wins shall dance in the center of everyone.

Boboiboy and the others are in their home dressing up. You were asked by Yaya and Ying to go to Yaya's house to prepare. Boboiboy didn't agree but was forced by Yaya and Ying so he had no choice but to let you go.

Where did you get your outfit? The mothers of Yaya and Ying have been dreaming of them going to prom. So when they went to the mall to get dresses for their daughters, they picked one as well for you.

At Boboiboy's...

He is all dressed up in his suit and Ochobot helped him get ready. He fixed his hair and decided to keep his hat at home for this night.

He looked at the mirror fixing the belt he have on his suit. "Do I look good Ochobot?" he asks as he looked at his yellow robot friend. Ochobot nods and decided to tease him a little.

"You look cool Boboiboy! Y/n will surely love you" he said as the elemental user started to blush madly as his face turned to a tomato.

Before he could talk, Tok Aba opened the door of his room as Boboiboy and Ochobot looked at him. Tok Aba smiled and fix Boboiboy's hair. He could see the resemblance of Boboiboy's father to him right now.

"Now go have fun... Fang and Gopal are outside, they said you'll pick up the girls" Tok says as Boboiboy looked at the time. It's 1 hour early before the prom starts.

Boboiboy bid his goodbye to Tok Aba and Ochobot before heading out to see Fang and Gopal all dressed up nicely. Fang is still wearing his glasses though.

"Deeyyyy Boboiboy went back to the memories in Planet Rimu Ru" Gopal teased as he remembers Boboiboy's disguise as the Young Master Berselion. Boboiboy giggled and the three started to head their way to Ying's house.

Speaking of girls, Yaya and Ying are fixing you up. You're wearing a stunning dress with shing little chains entangled with it. Ying is doing your make up while Yaya is curling your hair.

After they are done they made you stand up as you open your eyes and look at them. They were stunned by your beauty.

"Oh my god Y/n you're so pretty!" Ying and Yaya says in unison.

You chuckled and thanked them after that. Ying's mom knocked on the dor as Ying opened it. She caught sight of you in the dress and she went in an awe.

"Darling you look amazing! Oh and the boys are downstairs" she says making the three of you stop especially you. You started to overthink what if you don't look appealing enough? What if Boboiboy thinks its weird?

"Y/n! Let's go we only have less than 1 hour to get to school" Ying says as they called you making you snap out of reality. They went down first and you can hear the boys speaking downstairs when they saw the two of them.

Yaya noticed you didn't come down so she called you out. "Y/n! Come down already" she called.

You took a deep breath and started to walk down the stairs carefully not wanting to trip since you're wearing heels.

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