Friday Night Smackdown

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Tyler woke up early so that he could make sure to finish unpacking all of Pam's belongings before the start of Smackdown.

He walked past all the boxes that were scattered all through the front room and to the kitchen so he could make some coffee.

Tyler was wondering what WWE had planned for Pam as she was suppose to be a Raw superstar and his phone began to ring and he seen that Pam was calling.

Tyler: *Smiling* Well good morning, Pam...

Pam: Good Morning Ty...hopefully you got some sleep.

Tyler: I fell asleep somewhere around 4am.

Pam: Did you have a nightmare again? It's not like you to sleep for only 4 hours.

Tyler: Nope, I actually felt like I slept really I still have work to get done before I see my beautiful girlfriend kick some butt.

Pam: *Blushing* Awe Ty...

Mercedes could be heard in the background trying to hurry Pamela so they could go out to get something to eat before heading to the stadium.

Tyler: I think I should let you go...don't need Mercedes mad at me.

Pam: *in a playful pouting voice* But I don't wanna

Tyler: *Chuckling* I'll call you later

Pam: Ok...I'll can't wait to get back to see you.

The two of them said their goodbye before Tyler hung up the phone and walked outside to see the large storage container that was loaded with all of Pamela's stuff. He softy sighed to himself as he knew the workload ahead of him.

~With Pam~

The best friends, Mercedes and Pamela, arrived at a local restaurant and before they could get inside they were spotted by fans who were bombarded. They happily took photos with the fans before security helped get them inside.

Pam: Well so much for not being recognized.

Mercedes: *In an annoying tone* I wish people wouldn't expect us to be ok with being attacked every moment of the day.

Pam: Oh relax Cedes, you know have to know how it feels to meet a celebrity.

Mercedes: I know but it's not only annoying...its disrespectful.

Pamela rolled her eyes as they sat down and ordered before she changed the subject hoping to calm Mercedes down.

Pam: So do you know what the plans are for tonight? I couldn't get any answers from anyone.

Mercedes: *Shaking her head* Nope...I even called Bruce but he is keeping hush hush until we get to the the stadium.

They continued some more small talk until their food arrived.

~Back with Tyler~

He had finished unpacking a good portion of Pam's belongings when he got a text from an old friend in the military.

Bradley: Hey Ty, couple of the guys are taking a road trip to watch Smackdown Live and wanted to see if you wanted to tag along.

Tyler: The show is sold out tho....

Bradley: Don't worry about that...I have an extra ticket since my girl dropped out.

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