14: playing with fire

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I went to my room as I locked the door while my rage turned into fire. I put my earplugs in and turn on my music but, little did I know my flames turned my room into a fire put. While the flames wrapped around  my feet and it wasn't burning me it was so cool but, I wanted to dance so I did. My clothes changed in to a fire dress that left my back out.

-in a room watching Sesshomaru pov-

"Guys check this out hurry up" doru's mother ordered as everyone enter to see a one way mirrow. "What up" Inuyasha said as they look at her. "I have a name and that is Iceclaw" Iceclaw said as we nodded. "I have been watching doru because she has been in her room most of her time so I see her doing this when Luna and Doru brawled" she said as we look to see doru's room on fire while she was dancing that made my blood boil. Her clothes changed reviling a fire dress and her back was showing and it was ticking me off. I smelled her scent and she is going threw heat but, it is not to serious luckily. I see her ears flick as she looks at us and smirks.

"I know your watching me fluffy" she said as I blushed a deep red. She kissed her fist and punched at the wall making the glass break. She had a facial expression of 'you guys are so dead'. "GUYS YOU ARE ALL SO DEAD GET OVER HERE" she yelled as inuyasha and his Friends ran out of the room. I pulled her into a hug and inuyasha said "So it is true". Doru and nodded as we see inuyasha trying not to go frantic. Doru's heat is getting serious and I'm not sure that she is going to mate with me just yet but, I will wait for her to find out.

"You guys have a mission that will take a while and you may not be back for the next several months" Iceclaw said as we all nodded and doru ran to her closet that was bigger that the training hall! "Doru is that really necessary? Doru Doru where are you?" I called as I see eggs on the ground. We herd a boom as we ran in to see young hatchlings turning into adults. She was covered on dust and ash as the dragons wrapped around her legs. "Meet your new sprits" she said as the dragons walked up to us and Kagome gasped. "I know exactly what to do" she said as she lifted her hand and got the dragon to trust her same with the others.

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