[chapter eight] love me or leave me

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A/N: This chapter was so sad to write.

✧∘* ˚.

Aires pov...

"I dont know about you two but after the week we just had, I'm here to get fucking wasted." I yelled over the blaring music as we pushed our way through the house.

My first week back in town had been, interesting- to say the least. What was supposed to be a happy and supernatural free year had turned into a shit show, and it had only been seven days. That was why when I heard Danny was throwing a party I dragged both Lydia and Allison to it.

We were gonna have a fun, and supernatural free night- at least I hoped we wood.

"I second that!" Lydia yelled. "Have fun!" She squealed before grabbing a drink and running off in a different direction.

"Why is she going over to the dangerous looking twin?" Allison mumbled in my ear.


"Lydia, why did she run straight over to Aiden-"

"Don't know. Don't care." I muttered, ignoring the way my blood boiled at the sound of the boys name- and the horrifying temptation to search the room for him. "I'm here to get drunk, not get a headache."

I could feel his eyes burning into the back of me, even far away from him I would be able to feel his stare. It was almost magnetic. It made me want to turn my head to meet him, to look into those dangerous blue eyes. However I pushed the thoughts aside and strutted over to the mountain of drinks, grabbing a cup of cherry vodka and downing it in one go.

I was already drunk, courtesy of Allison and the bottles of tequila she had stashed in her room. But I needed more. I couldn't see straight as it was, but without the feeling of drugs rushing through my veins, I needed more. I needed something to dull the ache within me.

"Hey, well if it isn't my favourite blonde!" Danny's soft voice yelled from across the room.

"Hey Dan Dan!" I yelled over the music before walking up to the boy and wrapping my arms tightly around his neck.

After Heathers party I hadn't taken anything, part of me was scared in case Derek or Chris decided to drug test me after I told them I was spiked, and another part of me was worried about my meds. The pills messed up my medications, so it was either them or my mental health. For once I thought I made a good decision, choosing my mental health over drugs, however I had a feeling it wouldn't last very long.

I didn't exactly have any intention of staying clean, even if a small part of me wanted to.

"Are you up for a game of vodka pong?" He asked playfully, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"Hell yeah I am! Let me grab Alli first though."

I quickly backed out of the embrace and ran around the corner,  searching the room for the missing Argent. I felt bad for snapping at her over Aiden, but I couldn't help it. His name pissed me off.

A strong hand suddenly grabbed my arm, stopping my movements. "Aires." The way my name rolled off of her tongue sent shivers down my spine.

"Alex." I muttered before snatching my arm out of her hold. "What are you doing here?"

"Well I'm finishing high school, I'm in your classes. I made friends, they invited me." Her cool blue eyes were on me, narrowed and judging as she slyly looked me up and down.

If I didn't find her irritating, I would find her hot.

With a hint of a smirk on my lips, I tilted my head to the side. "Well enjoy the party-"

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