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his hand feels so free without the wedding ring.

Harry runs his finger against the soft skin of his wedding ring finger, happy with the feeling of finally being let go of the relationship that had ruined him for years.  his father agreed on letting them spilt apart but they would act like the married couple they were for the sake of the public, and while that was unpleasing to harry, he knew this is the best he could get.

they're all sitting together in the living room. Des and Anne are sitting near each other talking about something Harry hasn't fully grasped yet, Kris is busy sending glares at harry – which he gladly returns back with one pointed look– while Louis is sitting next to harry, nose planted in a book.

the world seems a bit complicated now, to harry, but sitting next to Louis is comforting, a hug to his soul and aching heart. Louis is tucked safely in another world, reading about the ancient history of Egypt, impressed, assuming by how his eyes are wider, lighter, and less clouded.

"Harry?" Kris calls out.

"hm?" Harry asks, distracted as he watched Louis take his every breath, blink his eyes slowly, smile when there's something funny in the book.

"you" she starts, nervously chuckling as she fiddles with her fingers. "you won't actually leave Kendall, will you?"

Harry scoffs, wanting nothing more than to just snap back with a snarkly reply, but he knew better than to let his ego take over him. "you know what happened, Kris, and you know that it won't ever work out again."

"but she's pregnant! you can't leave her in such conditions!" she bargains , trying to sneakily beg Harry to stay so her daughter wouldn't be labeled a divorced woman.

Harry's sets his jaw, staring furiously in her eyes as his body heat intensifies. his patience has run low with this family. he's about to open his mouth and let all his anger run loose when he's interrupted.

"so let Davis take care of her just like he had done in bed with her before" Louis replies, sticking up for Harry as he flips the pages, not once sparing Kris a glance.

she gasps, hand flying to her mouth. by the time she had showed the –overly dramatic– reaction, Des and Anne heard what Louis said, assuming by the smirk on Anne's face and the disapproving shake of head Des urges.  "don't you dare talk to me you–"

Harry sends her a furious glare as Louis –as well– looks from his book and stares at her, blue eyes assessing her face with disgust.

"Why don't you finish that sentence?" Louis offers, closing his book as he leans back and stares, unaware of Harry's arm that is wrapped behind him on the couch.  Kris looks at Louis with a panicked look on her face, the pressure of the four eyes staring at her getting too much. Harry looks livid, dark eyes taunting her – that if she finishes the result she's done for –.

they're cut off by Kendall waltzing into the room with her hair in a messy bun, eyes puffy and wrapped in a black robe. she takes a seat next to her mother and looks at harry. she offers a timid smile.

"hey baby" she softly says. Harry rolls his green eyes.

"don't try" Louis says as he shakes his head , smiling his brightest at her. Kendall huffs and eyes Harry's arm around Louis. "are you two" she gestures with her hand.

"god no, we're not" Louis hisses. Harry frowns, he feels as if someone's tugging on his heart and not wanting to let go. does Louis really hate him that much?

Louis looks at harry discreetly , noticing his frown , noticing that he's lost in his thoughts. he wants to kiss his pout away, maybe even cuddle him until he falls asleep, but he was once his, now he's not. his heart aches and emptiness roam his chest, labeling it as it's place.

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