325 views Special!!!!!!!!!!! ✨⚡️Bonus/ before the day of the pizzaplex incident

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It was a normal boring day at school for Gregory, or what he thought was a Normal day for him.

"ok so here's what we've gone over for this past week, can someone tell me what is 22 x 5? I'll give you five minutes to solve this."

He began to write down his answer on a blank piece of paper before raising his hand. "Yes Gregory?" The teacher said. "110?" Gregory replied. Hoping he got it right.

"That is correct! Ok time for recess and after recess is lunch time!" The teacher said as Gregory got up to follow the kids outside, when gregory got out there he went to the sand hill near the fence like he always did.

Gregory didn't have friends- well he used to but most of the time they would move away a month or two once they got along. He was always lonely growing up in school since the start of school, and was always picked on each year. In pre-k, he had a very close friend named Alex.

Alex and Gregory would play a lot and even their parents knew each other and set up play dates after school for the boys to hangout and play up till 2nd grade, his friend Alex had to move because his dad started working at a new company. Ever since then, Gregory had trouble making new friends since then.

Today he played in the sand alone, building a tiny sandcastle. Soon a kid in who was in third grade who'd pick on Gregory a lot, went up to him and kicked his castle down. Gregory was upset and was about to go tell the teacher till the kid picked Gregory up by the collar of his.

"Ay lame-o. Trying to build me a sand-house over here? Cuz it looks terrible!"

The kid said ask Gregory kept squirming under his grasp.

"Let me go! Please! Whatever it is you want from me, just do it! I don't want any trouble!"

Gregory cried out still trying to get out of his grasp as his face met with the ground, he was free. The kid grabbed his arm not letting him completely go just yet.

"I got something for ya, and I bet ya won't do this cuz if you don't, then you're not cool."

The guy said as Gregory could only reply with a nod. "All you have to do is climb over this fence and bring me back something cool from the woods. nobody has done this here at this school. If you do this then I'll stop messing with ya and consider you cool. If you don't, then I'll make sure you'll regret not doing that...."

The kid said with a sinister grin on his face. "T-that shouldn't be so hard, R-right??" Gregory stuttered.

Boy was he scared, he has never done anything like this before and this would be his only chance to be left alone from the kid. Gregory put one foot onto the fence and began to climb.

He finally got to the other side of fence and began to go into the woods. Him and his dad would hike through the woods a lot but this time he was alone, as he went into the woods he found something interesting.

A old abandoned Beehive. He picked it up and tried to head back to the playground till he found out he was lost..

He kept trying to find his way back but failed with every attempt. Gregory soon began crying, he was so alone and scared he didn't know what to do. He continued walking until he fell into a ditch, mud covered the poor boy as he got back up and continued walking, crying and hurt.

After an hour he found himself in an old alleyway in the city, Gregory was so tired, sore, and hungry, as tears soaked his face. He soon found a box as he thought he could sleep in for the night. He layed down in the box and closed his tired eyes as he began to drift into sleep.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 25, 2022 ⏰

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