4. Dinner & Books

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Jessie Cross -

"I'm scared, I don't want to get her a repeat." I told Rowan.

"How about you don't leave this time, talk to her, then go. See what she likes." Owen said.

"That's why I have you. All your good for." I teased and Rowan smacked the back of my head.

"Ow." I swatted it away.


Ugly Love Colleen Hoover

I knocked, running my hands through my hair.

She opened the door and appeared startled when I was there. Her eyes were bright red and her cheeks were stained in tears.

"I'm not sad that book is." She responded and I laughed.

"So it's the book?" I made sure.

"So heartbreaking." She put her small hand over her chest.

"Well. I'm here. Got a book. And I sorta wanted to talk to you." I leaned against the door frame.

I handed her the wrapped book.

My note fell onto the floor and I picked it up as she looked at the book.

"Oh I wanted this one it was on my tbr." She smiled.

"Tbr?" I asked confused.

"To be read." She said looking up at me with her soft, hazel eyes.

"You have a list?" I asked.

"I do." She nodded.

"How about, it's about 6 now, we go to Barnes and Nobles and you get whatever books you want." I said.

"Mmmm or we can do that and you can let me pay for something." She raised her eyebrows.

"Dinner." I said simply.

"Dinner." She nodded.

"I have to get ready so you can come in if you'd like." She said and I walked in her small home.

I felt like she was so perfect here, I shrunk the place, making it look smaller.

"Sorry I'll be a second." She said and I looked at her small kitchen and sat on her couch.

It smelt good in here. Like books- not very shocking- and vanilla. I wonder if that's how she smelt.

I got a call.

"Hey what's happening?" Owen asked.

"She's paying for a dinner I compromised on and I'm taking her to the bookstore to let her buy whatever." I whispered.

"Oh my heart is so full." Rowan yelled and I hung up when the door opened.

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