I don't argue with people, always try to avoid confrontations

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I don't argue with people, always try to avoid confrontations and control my temper (only a few people know I got short-temper). Today I just found out that someone was scared of me when I get mad. I'm always on my mother's side and whenever she got into an argument with someone (usually with drunk men, they can be so bitchy), I also argued with them just to stop them (cos if I didn't meddle they wouldn't stop talking) cos they got so noisy at times and I love peace. 😅 One of the men mentioned one time that he was scared of me. Imagine me, a shy, quiet and introverted person, arguing with drunk men. I can't even believe myself doing it. 🤣 So don't make me lose my temper. 😂

I'm glad my mother noticed how I stand up for her. I dislike it when people look down on my parents so I always stand up for them. I was worried when I left them cos no one would be there for them if they got into arguments with someone. It even ticked me off when I saw a video of the man I got into argument with before, yelling and talking shit to my grandparents. I couldn't do anything. That man must have known I wasn't there! 😡 That drunkard always causes trouble and I badly wanted to tame him. 😄 Imagine my relief when he wasn't their neighbor anymore.

Yuchae Moon

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