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 “The seasons are thus four,

Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter

Days of Happiness stretch out,

Nights of Sorrow stretch thin”

My seasons were different,

For me, the Fall was the beginning,

My wings gentle softened stubs

Life and love experiencing.

As the world began to die,

So I began to grow

Bloom and blossom and change,

All before the snow.

Whilst the world was cold and dark

I soared upon the nights

Elated in adult freedom,

With feathers of rippling whites.

As the world began to wake,

So I began to falter,

Turn tail and flee from It and Him

Wings fading shades greyer.

Whilst the world rose into

The hazy golden days

So my feathers fell one by one,

Into those green-lit glades.

Feathers darker than sin

Ripped weeping from my back,

So this blossom bloomed in Winter,

Whilst all the world was black.

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