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Photo from Bushmasters


Ayaz told Badriya about the conversation he had with Tehzib the night before they left Al-Jeyad. When the woman presented herself through some sort of sorcery, Badriya already knew that she was no good, but she had never thought that she had a curse and that she struggled from it that it brought her to tears. She realized that she and Tehzib weren't so different in terms of the problems that they faced.

That would soon change, though.

As she counted Nahar's steps on the sand, Badriya's mind circled on the thought of the reward that would soon be by her arm's reach. She knew it was too early to claim victory, but she couldn't help but run her mind through the many things she would do with the gold once she presented the Jewel of Opulence to the sultan.

A grand house of her own would surely be wonderful. She'd fill it with the biggest of beds and the warmest of baths, and maids would be given good wages to serve her dutifully. Her mansion would be bigger than the ones owned by the noblemen in Klalasha. Wearing the most luxurious silks from eastern islands of Naayik, she would become the richest woman in the province. Perhaps even the whole southern region of Zecaj.

Sayyida Badriya As-Sahra, she thought. I like the sound of that.

As Badriya giggled at her musings, she found herself glancing at Ayaz riding not far beside her.

Unlike the slightly mischievous behavior Ayaz displayed the first day they crossed paths, he now had an. . . uneasy air around him. He often had his face covered as they travelled on, but when he did put his balaclava down, his expression was pinched as if something bothered him so much. He also spoke a few words in a given day, most of which he used to tell her they'd stop to take a break after a long day of riding.

In short, he was boring, and travelling with a moody companion was getting quite awkward for Badriya.

If she had to guess, it might have something to do with the Jewel being kept in a cave at the edge of the country. She had to admit, the possibility of the Jewel just a footstep inside Khadysian territory worried her. There were rumors of sightings of Khadysian haris poking around Zecaj's border, but the sultan hadn't done a thing, since he couldn't accuse Khadys of trespassing without concrete proof.

But all of that wasn't a good reason to be anxious enough that you'd go silent for days.

Badriya pursed her lips. "You look horrible with frown lines on your face."

Ayaz snapped his attention towards her. "What?"

She paused for a second, regretting the way she phrased her words, but then continued. "It's been days, Ayaz, and you still look like you've drunk some rotten camel laban. Did Tehzib's kahwa do that to you?"

"Of course not," he said. "It tasted fine. I'm just. . . thinking."

"Thinking about what?" she asked. "Perhaps you're planning on betraying me to get the gold for yourself?"

Badriya laughed when Ayaz stared at her with wide eyes. He looked ridiculous whenever she caught him off guard. It was such a stark contrast to the skilled warrior profile he was keeping up, which she found it very refreshing.

Ayaz turned away. "I'm not going to betray you."

"I don't think you will," Badriya said. "If you would, you would've killed me right now, since you already know where the Jewel would be found."

"What makes you say that?" His voice was barely a whisper, but it was audible enough for Badriya's ears to pick up. "I thought you didn't trust me."

"Maybe I still don't," she replied. "But you trust me. I might as well return the favor."

The Jewel of Zecaj | ONC 2022Where stories live. Discover now