Thirty two

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Harry's pov

"I'll be back in a minute, mum." I whisper to her, standing up from the table that's covered in a range of coloured fabrics.

Just staring at some too long makes me want to throw up. Who picks mustard yellow for a mating ceremony?

Not me, that's who.

"Where are you going? We have decisions to make!" She frets, a wild look in her eyes as she watches me push my chair in.

"I'm just heading to the bathroom. I'll be back in a minute." I reiterate, giving her a pointed look before she sighs, waving her hand in dismissal.

"Just don't be long ok, H?" She grumbled.

I kiss her cheek before slipping out of the room and into the hallway. The whole house is quiet, but looking out of the front windows to the park, it's bustling with half the pack.

I can just see Louis, stalking around, bossing people about like I told him too. I smile to myself. Good alpha.

I quickly sneak up stairs, avoiding the creaky ones just incase someone hears.

Turning down the hallway, I go a few doors down until I reach a certain one, knocking before swiftly opening it.

The room is dark, the only light being from the half drawn curtains. The queen bed it pushed into the corner, and the blanket covered lump that turns makes me hold my breath.

Niall's patchy face pokes out, looking shocked as he sits up quickly, running a hand through his messy hair.

It's been three days since the whole incident, and this is the first time I'm seeing him. As soon as he woke up, he refused to leave his room, never coming out, never eating. He wouldn't talk to anyone.

Louis said he hasn't moved from his spot in his bed, seemingly hiding from everything.

I had to do something. Even if Louis' suspicions are true, I can't just let my best friend suffer like this... especially if they aren't.

I close the door quietly behind me with a soft click, just leaning against it as I watch him fiddle with his fingers.

"You look like shit."

A laugh escapes Niall's mouth at my words, making my lips twitch up.

"Yeah..." I bite my lip at the shaking of his voice, all humour that was here for a second lost.

"Why did you tell me those things about Louis? You know they aren't true." I ask, frowning as he takes a deep breath, looking up at me with those big blue eyes.

"I'm going to tell you it all, H. But you can't get mad, ok? Don't interrupt, just let me get it out?" I nod hesitantly.

"After your dad had ran Zayn out of the pack..." I wince at the memory, "... I found him out in the forest on a run not long after. He was beaten, so badly, Harry." His eyes are watery as I come closer, sitting on the edge of the bed. I didn't know Niall had seen him again.

"I knew I couldn't take him back to the pack, Des wouldn't help him after what happened, he'd probably kill him himself." I nod, knowing my dad would have.

"So I took him to the Nightlock pack, praying they'd help him. When we showed up on their boarders, they took Zayn but didn't let me in. I didn't see him for months, until I got a text one night from him, asking to meet on the boarder...


"Oh my goddess, Zayn!"

"Shhh, Niall. You gotta be quiet. Did you see anyone on your way here, did anyone follow you?" Zayn whisper yells, pulling the blonde boy close before holding him by his shoulders to look into his eyes.

Niall quickly shakes his head, looking over Zayn with a blinding smile before his attention switches to behind him.

Two people come out from behind a tree, a woman and a man. And one of their scents is intoxicating.

Niall's eyes grow heavy as the girl freezes, looking over the beta with wide eyes.

"Ni, this is Liam and Hailee. Liam's my mate." Zayn reveals.

"Mate?" Niall's eyes shoot over to Zayn again. "But what about H?"

Zayn just bites his lip, shaking his head with a shrug of his shoulders. As the two come closer, Hailee immediately gains Niall's attention again.

"Hey, I'm Niall."


"So Hailee's your mate?" I ask, receiving a nod from Niall. "Why didn't you tell me this?" I feel my heart drop just a bit more, not knowing that my best friend had found his mate.

"Because the Nightlock packs alpha is Hailee's dad, and he won't let me see her unless I do as he says." Niall meets my eyes, guilt the overcrowding emotion.

"And what does he tell you to do?" I swallow, knowing that the Nightlock pack were the ones that attacked Louis that first time, according to Mark.

"At first it was just spying, watching if you start to change or anything... then it turned to telling you things. Things that aren't true to turn you against the Tomlinsons."

"What do you mean change?" I furrow my brows, pointing a warning gaze, hoping he's not going to say what I think is.

"The Nightlock pack has witches, and they have been stunting your growth since you were a pup. But it has been backfiring since we came here, the spell is only speeding your development up. That's why you suddenly got a scent and your heat came early. It's all the alphas doing..."

It's crap, ik guys, but just bare with me. Imma comb through the whole story once I've finished because I feel bad for making you wait between updates. Sorry it's been so long since an update, I'm currently in the middle of my first lot of assessments and year 12 is already kicking my ass.

Anyway, thanks for 16.5 k. Love you guys long time x

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