Another Six years later

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This way , said Mr. Peter and walked ahead. Plato followed closely behind . They entered a huge hallway . And Plato for being here for more than a decade , saw the this huge hallway for the first time . There hung the paintings of the most prominent scientists of Russia . And apart from the paintings of the scientists , there were paintings of Travelers , important people of the nuclear plant . And as they walked along the hallway , Plato saw the spitting image of Romanov . He stood there to take a look for a second , but moved ahead again as he saw the director not waiting for him . And when they reached the end of the hallway , to their left was a staircase that went down . The both of them went down the stairs which were lit brightly and entered the basement , the only basement in the whole plant . It was like a secret bunker trying to build a new aircraft or housing an alien . There were scientists working seriously in glass buildings on each side . Working on formulas or tinkering with hardware . There were many cubicles , far too many to count , and in the corner of the basement was huge glass space tightly enclosed . And there was absolutely no one there inside it , except a huge machine . The machine seemed to work independently  , or not . There was absolutely no noise coming from it ,at all . It looked futuristic . As the director and Plato approached it , Plato began to hear a low pitched noise coming from it . It does work , he thought to himself . The director and him stopped in front of the glass building . Do you know what is this ? asked the Director . Kranium , Replied Plato . That is what is inside the machine , yes , Kranium . But do you know , what this is ? asked the Director . Plato stood still , implying he did not have an answer . This is the nuclear plant , the director pointed . The whole plant , he iterated . And the rest of it , he said with his eyes lighting up , 

A Façade , said Plato completing the sentence .  Indeed , a façade , said Peter . Do you know what your friend Sergey does ? asked Peter . Sir , he is a traveler . And you , would you like to join him ,asked the director . Sir , Me ? asked Plato . Yes , you son . Said Peter . Yes Sir , it would be an honor . But , but , stammered Pluto . Peter looked at him . But ? . Sir , I do not know anything about being a traveler . Did you not know how to drive a vehicle a few years ago , now you seem to drive it well , said the director. Sir , that is different . That is just a vehicle , and this is interstellar travel . Son , he said to Plato . When I started out , I did not know what the B stands for in Bureaucracy . Now , I'm changing the world . No , said the Director , we are changing the world he said , tapping the shoulder of Plato . Sir , why me ? asked Plato , there are so many other able candidates to do the job . Yes , many are talented than you , more able and skilled than you . But . But ? said Plato . You are like me , you are like Romanov , you are like Sergey . You are like us , you too do not know what the B stands for in Bureaucracy . Sir , said Plato . But i do know what the B stands for in bureaucracy . You do ? asked Peter in a surprised yet serious tone . Bullshit sir , said Plato . What ? asked Peter . The B Sir , the B stands for Bullshit , said Plato . Peter drew out a hearty laughter and he shook the hands of Plato .Welcome to the team he said to him  

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