Chapter 16: Thoughts and Angle

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Marinette's P.O.V.

After explaining Damian all about miraculous (only to a little extant that is) while trying not to reveal our identity was hard, but at the end he just told he has to make a quick call before we went out for dinner. "Bet you 30 euro he is calling his dad to inform about this mass" I say in a voice barely above a whisper. "Bet you 50 Tim will try to research us up" Chloe raises the stake we just laugh knowing that Chloe used her manipulating skill on us, "70 Tim will not find anything about us and if he does it will be from the wannabe reporters blog" Trixx says. God can fox be cunning.

While dinner we make small talk but then I get lost in my own world tomorrow the previous legendarium will come and we will go on missions just like the old times. You see we have been with them for some of their missions. Just as they graduated college and resigned from their position they become WOOPE Agents the best spy academy/ center out there. 

They were enrolled easily, occasionally we went out on missions together But on one mission, the one in which the building was caught on fire and Bri was still inside, that was the one in which i was introduced to Felix graham de vanily. A distant cousin of Adrian. A super spy and the savior of my sister from the fiery building. He seemed to be nothing like agreste, so i often shipped them together not knowing they would end up together in reality.

"Nathaniel, do we really need them to be here?" Chloe asked Nathaniel and the question snapped me out of my trail. 

"I am sorry Chloe but it was mandatory as 57.8% of bullies are going to be there so we need backup and only they are the ones who can do this" he replies. I understand her concern, since the incident had resulted in 8 months stay in the hospital and the worst of all, we had lost clover 7 times in the surgical procedure as she had the most fatal hits while she was trying to save my sister. I still owe her for that.

After we reached home I went into Nathaniel's hacking room Tikki following close to me, Only me and him were allowed in by him. "Don't let Damian enter until I give you a signal" saying this I went into the newly set up room for hacking. Well you must be confused with why I went with term new, well it has to be related to the fact that only I and Nath are allowed in. You see a few weeks prior When Chloe came in to show one of her new chemical to Nathaniel that can explode thing she dropped it on his computer set and it went off they barely escaped and me and the others were laughing our a$$es off while Nath was lashing out at Chloe but at they end they kissed . Which was gross to witness may I point out.

After hacking in the security camera I found out a fake FBI agent named 'Robinson' is leaking our information, turns out he was one of the bullies who survived the wrath of the Russian legend group. Though his real name is Valrinzo. After i got the proof and I quickly sent it all to the main headquarters somewhere only the boss could access.

"Tikki can you tell Nath to let damian in?" I asked the half asleep goddess on my neck, she just nodes and turned to leave while I stopped her again "and after that eat your mini cookies and head to bed" she turned smiling gratefully. Ever since I got Tikki its been like we have known each other for ages, we don' t keep secrets between us, I consider her as a sister, well a very old one at that.

The door opened and Damian came in...

Damian's P.O.V. (Since the afternoon)

After hearing about hawkmoth I was shocked and of course have a lot of questions. After I contacted my family about this they said that they will have Tim research it.


I got a call while we were at the restaurant. I excused myself but not before taking a look at my angle. I will never confess this out loud but there is something about this girl that draws me to her but at the moment she looked deep in thoughts. When I reached the far end of the corridor I saw it was father. "What is it Father?", 

"I am sorry son but we were not able to find much about the heroes about Paris. There is just this blog but there is not much information on that too". I sigh, 

"It's Ok father, just send me the blog's name and I will find out what I can do on it". 

"Son there is one more thing..."

My Phone dropped from my hand, Tears formed in my eyes. Why me? Cannot fate let me live for once. What will happen now? Was the kiss between me and her will make the thing awkward between us when I ignore her.


OOOOHHHH who did he kiss? And what did is father said to him to make the Demon tear up?

Sorry for updating late I had to rewrite the whole chapter.

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