Chapter 35: Take care

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Raine Simmons- Blackwood

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Raine Simmons- Blackwood

Stefan's evil laugh echoed throughout the hall. He slowly made his way to His majesty. But quickly turned around, facing me. Looking straight into my eyes, with what I could decipher it as anger and hatred.

"That is what happens if you mess with my daughter, your majesty." He gritted. "Well, this is just the beginning." He chuckled.

"Just because we are trying to be patient and civil doesn't mean you are given every right to speak whatever the fuck you want, Mr. Callahan. So, mind your words." He commanded. "Don't you dare drag her into this."

"I am afraid, she herself fell into the trap, your majesty Darius."

"Whatever. We're leaving." His majesty said, walking towards me. I nodded at him before throwing the old man one last look.

"Don't you wanna know, what happened to Rose? As to who really took her away from you?" As soon as he said the words, His majesty stopped dead in his tracks.

He fisted his palms, closing his eyes. He gulped, looking straight at me before turning his back at me.

This was it. The truth that I desperately wanted to tell him but was way too nervous, was about to come out but I didn't just expect it to be this soon. Then whatever happens, it solely depended on his majesty's decision.

"Leave! And Rory, you know what to do." He ordered. Rory just nodded and left. After their maid  was out, he said. "Spit it out."

"Your wife, Her majesty Raine, kidnapped my daughter, your lover." He spat with sheer disgust.

That disgust should have been directed to your fucking daughter, Stephan.

His majesty stepped back, turning to me. He blinked twice and all I could do was stare back at him. And was as motionless as I could be.

Neither was I going to justify my actions nor was I ashamed of it because she sure as hell deserved it all.

I could feel his emotions, all at a time and I knew he was doing his best to not lash out on me or whatever.

"Speechless, your majesty? Who would have thought that this girl whom everyone knows as a healer lady, has conspired to this extent just to become a queen? So cheap and pathetic. And what did you get, your majesty Raine? Or should I say, Aspen?"

Ofcourse he knew, who was i kidding?

I bluntly bit my lip, controlling the anger I felt towards that man. The fucking Audacity to call me names. This was no time to chop his tongue off.

And how on earth was his majesty this calm?

"Jasper!" He yelled, authority lacing his voice that made Stephan flinch. His eyes widened and so was his smirk.

"You should have done it sooner, your majesty. She deserves to rot in the prison." He gritted.

Nah! I wasn't ready to go to the prison. If at all I go, then it would be after i kill every fucking threat to the Royal family. I wasn't the one to drop it this fast.

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