Sweet Bliss

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I have been felt so utterly, completely happy, you are the cause of my euphoria.


The next day, all the six brothers and their sister sat with Shri Krishna in the study.

"Jyesht, its time for you to perform the sacrificial Rajsuya yagya." Shri Krishna said.

"But Vasudev, is it right to do it? I mean maharaj is also our tatashree." Yudhishthir said unsure about what Vasudev said.

"Jyesht, think like a king and not a son. For now you have to think as a king for your praja and not as a son." Shri Krishna said.

"Vasudev is right Yudhishthir. We should start our journey to win the world now." Karna said.

"Fine then. Vasudev, how should we start the quest?" Yudhishthir asked Shri Krishna.

"Jyesht, you have to conquer the kings by either friendship or war." Vasudev said.

"But we should avoid war until we can." Yudhishthir said.

"Parth, you and bhrata Bheem should start your quest towards North. Nakul and Sahadev, you should go towards South and bhrata Karna should go towards west."

"What about east bhrata Krishna?" Nakul asked. Shri Krishna smiled secretly and said.

"Kings there are an expert with urumi, it is a foreign weapon and you have not learnt it well, we need to think about east.." Shri Krishna said.

"This Rajsuya yagya is going to take several years Madhav." Arjun said.

"Trust me when I say that jyesht will be Samrat by next year." Shri Krishna smiled again.

"How is that even possible Vasudev?" Karna asked.

"It is"

"Bhiaya." Dhriti said as everyone's eyes went to her, she had not spoken a word since the meeting started which was very unlikely of her. Except Yudhishthira, she addressed everyone here by their name even after being the youngest.

"Yes Dhriti?" Yudhishthira asked softly.

"Even I want to go for war, for the rajsuya conquest." She said as everyone looked at her in shock.

"Dhriti , you can't" Bheem said suddenly.

"I know you are a warrior and have fought many battles, but this is outrageous." Arjun said angering her.

"Dhriti try to understand, you can't come here-" nakul started.

"What do you mean I can't? Just because I am a girl, I am as capable as arjun and karn, and you all know that." Dhriti nearly yelled nearing the end.

"I think Dhriti can go to the east, she is the only one who can weild urumi as well as bhrata arjun and bhrata karn can weild archery!" Sahadev stood in her support.

'But it is not safe-" Yudhishthira said as she looked at him in shock, he never stopped her from battles.

"She might get herself injured; it is like pushing her to her death!" Bheem said as Krishna also nodded, they supported girls, but this was deadly, they were worried for their baby sister.

"It is an outrageous idea Dhriti, you should stay here and fight in case some one attacks." Arjun sighed.

"You are a girl." Nakul shook his head trying to discourage her, he was very worried she might get her injured in the battlefield.

"Dhriti, you are too young for this." Yudhi also said.

"Who do you think is the military head of Mathura? Who ran the whole kingdom alone after bhaiya left? I can go to the east! Everyone knows urumi is my most proficient weapon! WHY WOULD YOU STOP ME?" She screamed frustrated.

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