Chapter Four

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- Chapter Four -

The car halts to a stop in front of the hospital. A sympathetic smile flashes on my face as I steal a glance at Louis. The poor boy had to sit in the car between two bickering, stubborn people. That has to be uncomfortable.

"Thank you." I mumble, as I push the door open.

The sliding doors squeal noisily as they part for me. Halfway through the opening, I hear a voice calling after me.

"Ava!" Harry calls.

I whirl around to find him hurriedly walking through the parking lot, nearing the automatic sliding doors.

"What now?" I sigh.

"I'm coming with you." He states innocently.

"No, you're not." I scoff.

"Why not?" He retorts.

"Because..." I glance down at my fumbling hands, searching for an answer. "Because you're not family. I'm pretty sure only family's allowed to visit." I finish lamely.

"Oh, well. Tough luck." Harry smirks as he pushes past me towards the elevators.

I growl quietly in frustration and tug at the hem of my shirt.

"Ava! Are you coming or not?" Harry practically screams across the hospital lobby.

I hurry towards the elevators, keeping my head down so as not to show my burning red cheeks.

"Are you crazy, or are you just an idiot?" I hiss.

"What do you mean?" He replies distractedly, searching for the right button to press.

"You seriously just screamed through the whole lobby. People were looking at me like I was insane." I grumble.

"Ah, well. Screw them." Harry says, flashing me a mischievous smile.

Words fumble through my mind as I mull over what to say next, but I unwillingly end up bursting out in laughter.

"What's so funny?" He asks.

"Nothing. You're just seriously insane, you know that?" I laugh.

"I know." He chuckles.

The elevator beeps to signal that we've reached the 5th floor, and I rush past Harry to the counter.

"Hi, I'm Ava. I'm Lacie Mitchell's sister. Is she okay?" I breathe hurriedly.

"She's fine. The tests have made her a bit tired, but otherwise, she's okay. She'll be in Room 9." the receptionist informs me.

"Okay, thank you." I breathe, relieved.

I cross over to the corner and stare down the hall. There was only one room ahead of me. Room 9. Harry walks up beside me and gently nudges my arm with his elbow. 

"Ready?" he asks.

"Harry, I don't know if it's a good idea that you come." I sigh.

He gazes down at my face tiredly. "Okay. If you really don't want me to go inside, I won't." he concedes.

"Thanks." I reply quietly. "Um, thanks for the ride." I mumble as we begin to part ways.

My feet slowly make their way to the room, when something begs; urges me to turn around. Something's not right. Maybe I am just thinking of myself, instead of Lacie. She'd be overjoyed if Harry came. Isn't that what I live for? Seeing my baby sister smile? An exasperated sigh escapes my lips. He makes her laugh, and I have no clue how. He makes me laugh. The stupid idiot infuriates me and annoys me beyond description, but he makes me laugh. That's something no one's been able to do in a long while.

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