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Loyal Ak

Drake's point of view

"What do you mean? where is she?" My heart pounded in my ears as if someone put it in them, meanwhile, I threw a few pairs of clothes in a bag.

"Actually she was waiting here for you," That stopped me for a moment and then I resume.

"What do you mean she was waiting? listen make sure it's her, I swear to god I'll rip your fingers apart and make you eat them, if you are lying."

"Boss-bos-" The person stammered.

"Boss what?!" I shouted sailing the bag of clothes across the room, feeling the anger rise like steam rushing into my blood. Why can't people just do things without messing it up? I've had people on my side for years and for the first time, I felt like killing one of them.

I heard him gulp.

"I'm standing with her across the room downtown boss."

"I'm coming," and I hang up with confusion, anger, and a longing.

"Why would she want to meet me all of a sudden?" I asked looking at myself in the mirror.

Penny's point of view

In the morning. I jumped up from a dirty floor, ready to hit the road again. I have spotted an empty building on the southern side of flatburg and that's where I stayed since the morning my mother died.

"Lora!" I shouted in the atmosphere and suddenly a woman looking around the age thirty-five appeared. She was wearing a white dress and matching heels, long silky-looking blond hair, eyes like the ocean and smooth American skin. She stood with her hands folded, looking elegant her head held high.

"Lora?" I asked stunned.

Gosh, she is beautiful

"Yes dear," and her voice was like music, my eyes popped, and watched her walk across the room crossing her not-so-long legs, like a model on the runway.

She is indeed Drake's mom

I snapped out of my gaze when she stood near my mother and my heart instantly grew bitter, I could feel it wrapping around my heart seeping into my veins and I swear I could feel steam coming from my ears.

"Raise her back."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me," I looked down at them.

"Is that a request or an order?"

"It's an order."

"Then I suggest you do it yourself, am here to protect you, it's my job, my job isn't to raise the dead."

What the fuck?

"But-but- you cant that's my mother!" I stammered, demanding the tears to stay away, I stared her in the eye.

"Keep calm love, I don't want to hurt you, she is dead and it isn't my job to raise her back."

I looked at her and my heart pained.

"I wish you were still in your grandmother's body, am not used to this icy bitch."

"You see Penny, this is me and that isn't you, your personality is slightly changing and I can't take your crap. As much as I want to shout at you right now; I won't because I understand your rage; I lost my grandmother to it. The point is the ancestors will be angry with me if I raised her, I also got Drake searching for me and Leon is missing, you are not the only one burning Penny," Her voice was soft and soothing, high in the empty house, but I didn't want soft and soothing I wanted shouts and anger.

"I don't care what you have to do just please dot it."

How can I tell her that I've already sent a girl to meet Drake?

I turned my back to her and the thought of being a betrayer set my heart. I swallowed hard.

How can I tell her that I compelled a stranger from the streets to talk to Drake?

I turned around and looked at her, but this time I shifted my gaze, I could not look into her eyes which are identical to Drake's.

This is what it feels like, to do anything for family

Drake's point of view

Arriving at downtown quarters; where werewolves stayed, I walked in. Dressed in a black polo shirt, black jeans, black cowboy boots; I pulled a black baseball cap over my forehead. I looked around me and then I saw her, leaning on the window, her back turned to me frail and slender she looked. Everyone stared at me.

God, please don't let them know

Oh goodness, look at me calling to god when I hardly believe he exists, he must be looking down at me with dirty scorn right now. I walked up to her and touched her, her arms cold as ice, and a strange presence hovered around me.

"I need to show you something, " I said, looking into her eyes, slightly pulling her toward the exit. I pulled her toward a corner and she stayed silent.

"Is that what you do when you first saw me?! you keep quiet and look?!"

God, am like an old grumpy man, pardon me look at me mentioning your name

" Look, woman, talk up say something!" I shouted angrily at her, grabbing the cap off my head, my hair falling over my forehead.

"I don't know what to say," was her soft reply.


I shook my head and look at her.

"Where is fritz!" I angrily shouted in the quarters, they turned their heads at me.

"He hasn't been here since morning Drake," Florence said walking out of one of the rooms.

Fritz was one of the people that has been on my side for over the past years, he was in the woods with Charles when Penny was there, and I've trusted him to tell him to find my mother and now the bastard is gone.

"What do you mean?" I asked hardly believing my ears.

These days my ears seem to be betraying me, first my damn feelings for Florence then Leon, Penny, and now Fritz

"Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!" I hissed through my teeth, but that didn't stops the gazes I was getting.

"Chill Drake, you know Fritz he is always busy these days," She said and walked towards me smiling, I pulled her outside and showed her my mother.

"That's my mother, and now she isn't saying shit."

"Oh my God."

"What is it?"

"You-a -wow-just wow-you found her, am so happy for you," and her hands were around my neck hugging me tightly. If only I could be happy for myself.

"You found her drake."


Why did Florence lie?

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