07 October - The Dilemma: Recurring Nightmares

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Quiet. Dead silent. My heart pounded, threatening to burst from inside. A lagoon of sweat pooled against the mattress. The hour hand on the bedside clock remained frozen on three. Body trembling, I held my breath and waited.

Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud.

Earth shattering stomps reverberated along the hallway's wooden floorboards, splitting the radio silence. Nauseating anxiety bubbled in my stomach. Yet, my roommates slept calmly in their beds. Nothing disturbed them as if an impenetrable barrier separated their rooms from the rest of the house. Screaming and begging proved to be futile. They always stayed blissfully unaware, never hearing my cries. Ever. This battle existed as mine alone.

Onyx black mist swirled beneath the door. Its foggy tendrils swelled, encompassing every corner of the room and blanketing the sole window. Moonlight barely visible, cheery blue paint morphed to a midnight mural upon the walls. A sinister aura stained. The room drained of color.

Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud.

Four last thunderous steps and the sound halted. The knob turned. Goosebumps pricked my skin.

Leaping out of bed, I snatched the bible from the nightstand and sharply turned toward the door, long blonde hair clinging to my sweat drenched flesh. The forgotten comforter tumbled to the floor. I clutched the small black book against my chest, fingers shaking, and began reciting the Lord's Prayer. A low growl responded. This time, however, I didn't falter.

The door swung open, nearly flying off the hinges as it bashed into the bookcase to the right. Glass ornaments rattled and books splayed across the shelves. Clenching the bible tighter, I stumbled back. Words finally escaping, my bottom lip quivered.

Almost unnoticeable against the blackened canvas, a shadow emerged from the hallway. Its six foot tall form towered above me, despite being several feet away. Lurching forward, it moved as if on pins and needles. Distorted and in pain. Piercing scarlet eyes aglow, the shadow's spiny, phantom fingers stretched towards me.

Uncontrolled fear erupted from my body. I screamed. Razor sharp claws ripped across skin and sliced through muscle. Frozen stiff, nausea rose to pour like a waterfall from my mouth.

I had nothing. No escape. No saving grace. All alone.

Excruciating pain scorched like fire. It rippled through me, tearing its way to my already wounded soul. I dropped to the floor convulsing. The shadow descended, executing the final kill. Trapped, an insect caught in a spider's web, I cowered as blood showered my vision.

                                                         * * * * *

Gasping, I shot straight up. Electric tingles sparked, triggering the fight or flight response. Chest tightening, I struggled to breath. The flames of my shallow, rapid breathing licked at my lungs, which immediately transformed to a violent choke. Clenching a fist, I beat upon my chest to clear my throat. Stinging pain accompanied the action. Wincing, I gingerly caressed my arm.

A sticky wet substance soaked the comforter clinging to my flesh. Trembling, I lifted my fingers. Deep red liquid coated them. Blood. Eyes wide, I took a shaky breath and glanced down. Three long claw marks trailed across my upper arm. The first physical manifestation of the dream. Releasing a weak sigh, I laid down and rolled to the side, peeling the comforter from the wound like an oversaturated band-aid. The same pool of sweat from the dream lingered beneath me along with the blood. Though my heart still pounded, a small relief enveloped over the nightmare's end.

Moonlight poured between the panes of the window opposite my bed. Once upon a time, it's mesmerizing glow soothed. Yet, now, gazing at the outside world resembled peering through a looking glass. Separate and disconnected. Reality loomed, a phantom image of peace. Fiery burning against my arm, however, brought clarity.

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