Are You Serious?

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I punch him straight in the face with all my feelings of anger.

"Ow! What the hell--!?"

"Me? Liking you and stalking you? do you want to die." I said calmly with a smile on my face.

"Was it necessary to hit me!?"

"Yes. I had to make you realize and make you snap out of the reality you thought that was going to happen."

"What bullshit--!!"

"How about you shut up and put up with it. Or I'll have to tell Myung-Hee."


He sighs once again while touching his red cheek.
"I'll believe you this time."

"Your just scared Myung-Hee will find out."


I know Deokgu isnt the type of guy who would randomly assumes because of his trauma. Although he was very arrogant and annoying, he wasn't dumb. In fact he was listed Top 4 in the scoring boards every single time.

"Hey can I ask something?" I said.


"How did you know? Me?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"Wheres Myung-Hee's classroom again?"

"I would've fell for it, if it wasn't for my gut feeling."

'I shouldve known this was his answer. The novel did say all of his gut feeling were always right. Shouldve remembered.'

"Is that it?" He asked.

"Hm? Yeah, just incase you tell Myung-Hee anyways even though you know the consequences, I'll tell the principal about your little smoking habits."

"How did you know about that-!!"


Deokgu grits his teeth as looks at me full of resentment.

"Kim Deokgu! Seo-yeon!"

I look ahead as I see Myung-Hee calling us.

Myung-Hee walks towards me and pulls me up close as she whispers "Did you guys make up?"

"Of course! Right Deokgu? That were friends now?"

"What are you talking about?"

( The )

( Principal's )

( Office )

I said with my smile.

"Y-yeah. Mind your business Myung-Hee." He said nervously.

"What! Really? You should've just got along with him not making him as your friend! I'm sorry this is my fault now that your life is ruined!" Myung-Hee said to me as he hugs me tight.

"What!?" Deokgu raised his voice as he clench his fist.

"M-myung-Hee...I cant- breathe.."


The bell rings.

"Its the bell. let's go Myung-Hee." Deokgu said as he grabs Myung-Hee with him.

"See you later Seo-yeon! Hey get off me-!"

I wave good bye to them as they argue from afar.

'Now, shall I go back to my own classroom too?'

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