Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Theodore's PoV

On instinct, I kiss him back. It's heated and sends warmth through my body. He adjusts himself in my lap so he straddles me and pulls me closer by the collar of my shirt. I let him take control as my mind wraps around what is happening. He bites my lip which causes me to gasp and he takes that moment to take me farther.

When my brain catches up to the moment, I freeze. Quickly, I pull my mouth away from his and hold him back by the arms. Ronan frowns at me and glances down at my lips before back up at me with a pout. Fuck, I want to continue this so badly. But he is not in the right head space. He's drunk. And I'm not sure either one of us are ready for anything intimate yet. There's too much we're keeping from each other.

"I want that warm fuzzy feeling again," He mumbles as he tries to lean towards me. "It went away, so I wanted to kiss it back."

I chuckles and can't help but caress his face. "Lets get you to bed. Maybe snuggles with some blankets will make you warm."

"I'm not cold. Not warm and fuzzy like that." He doesn't say anything else or protest farther as I pick him up in my arms and carry him to his room.

When I lay him on his bed, under his covers, he snuggles down into the pillow. He bats his eyes at me and smiles. He looks relaxed and content. A way that  have yet to see him look before. I can't tell whether it is due to me and my pheromones' from when his pendent was off or because he's drunk. Either way it makes me smile back at him. I want him to always feel like this.

"Thank you," he mumbles as I walk towards the door and turn the light off, "for taking care of me and being kind."

"That's the bare minimum," I only reply before taking my leave. "Goodnight, love."

I close the door gentle and shuffle my way into my own room. It's not much. I don't usually stay in my apartment. I have it to get away when being in the pack house is too much. Don't get me wrong, I love my family. But sometimes I need my space and own privacy. Even in my own little suite at the pack house it can be too much. There's always someone who is knocking on the down the hallway. It's like one giant dorm building. Most younger adults and unmated wolves live in the pack house. We tend to branch out to our own places when we have a family of our own. Of course that doesn't stop some people from staying at the pack house. Some find it comforting to be around everyone in the pack. I mean we're essentially one giant family even if we aren't related we are connected to each other and care for each other.

For me, it's the same way. That's where I want to be because that's where my pack is. Being an alpha, I also have a tendency to be even more connected to my pack and family. Unfortunately, because I am The Alpha of the back, I also work in the pack house where the pack offices are. The  building is sectioned into the office building space, the infirmary, and the housing sections. Sometimes I just don't want to be where I work. I practically sleep and work in the same place. And now, my mate is here.

I like being with Ronan and around him. I have since he came here. At first I just thought it was because he is friends with my mate and I felt like the two of use would get along too. But now I know it's just because we are good for each other. I'm happy the matebond is blocked. It lets me get to know Ronan casually and to not feel such a strong attachment right away that we just dive head first into things. I've always been apprehensive about that because how can you just click with someone you just met that day. That thought always scared me and only amplified when I was assaulted that time years ago. I wanted to trust and feel deeply for someone not by some predestined thing but because I chose to. With Ronan's block, I get to do that. I already wanted to stay at my apartment to check on him and make sure he was okay and just be in his presence before he undid the block and I found out he is my mate.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2022 ⏰

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