New Story

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I've started a new story guys. I'm not feeling Saving Gravity anymore. I don't think Mafia stories are for me. I'm going to unpublish it soon. This is more my cup of tea. I've written 4 chapters already and I started it a week ago. It's titled Happenstance. Not sure if I'm keeping this title but it's what I thought of. I apologize to anyone who liked Saving Gravity.

I've posted chapter one and the characters page. The description is down below. I hope you guys like it and give it a chance. I'm really excited for this one.

Elliott is 25, she's a student. Her main worries are ignoring the akward stares she receives especially when walking through the university hallways and not falling asleep in class. At least those use to be her worries until the fire.

Adam is 49, he's a billionaire who often is seen as a tough guy because he's all muscles and rugged lines with a bald head and tattoos. But really he's a big softy inside so much so that when his secretary needed a helping hand he offers his home to her and her son, daughter.

What Adam isn't prepared for is his kindness leading him to develop an unmatched attraction towards his secretary's daughter Elliott. But usually when there's unforseen circumstances and two people involved, neither parties are one the wiser.

Please share your thoughts. I'm really curious what you guys think. Eight chapters are out. 

Thanks for sharing your ideas for the next bonus chapter. I'm working on that too don't worry.

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