Saga one

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Kaffa,in 1456,three years after the fall of Constantinople,filled with the trader.They trade not just food,animals,beautiful cloth,but human too.After the war,many Christian people,become slave and selled in Kaffa.Many of them crying,hope someone buy or even take them.They didn't eat anything,even have to sleep,it was very hard.They just like animals.Many girls selled and become a harem girls,who serve sultan and his slut staff.And the boys,they become a jannisary,a sultan foreign infantry.Turks will buy them,brain-washed them,and become they personal and field soldier.Parent lose they lovely child,child lose they parent,event they faith,or maybe,identity.But,any European kingdom,country,state,just see it like ordinary disaster.They just care with their business,rich and power,and didn't care with their brother and sister in eastern European.Any kingdom fall to Ottoman rules.They become vassal,Sultan slave,and many of like that.In one cage,one girl is crying.Her body was little and weak.She doesn't eat for two days.Anytime,she become like circuss animal.She was so very sad.Her blue eyes filled with tears.She lost anything.Not about her jewel,her purple cloth,caliche,or any about that.She lost her love,a nobleman.She just thinking her love still save in there.But,who knows,even her don't know where is him.Just God and Lady Theothokos who know about it.And when she crying,don't know why,she fall down in her cage,and sleep,dreaming if someone came and save her from this.After that day,in morning,the guard came and knock her cage while he shout,"Hey royal girls,wake up,how dare you sleep in this time.My master woudn't beg this.WAKE UP YOU SLAVE !,",said the guard.The girl just can wake up,and before she can stand,the guard has pulled and dragged her to his master.His master has wait in there,with another slave are ready for sell."This is your slave, master,"said the guard."Hahaha,oh your good at your work,Sandjar,"said the master."where I need to place this girl sir,or can i...",said the guard with face filled with perverted thought."Nah,you didn't,"said the master."Why ???!!!,"ask the guard."She is my product,and selled for my costumer,not you,",said slave master."Ugh,your bastard,",said the guard,while back to another cage.The slave master take the girl,and tie it in one stick."Now,I hope someone buy you,or if not,maybe that's better you become my guard's slave,",the girl just can silence.She just hope she was free from that place,even become a slave for another people.The market is busy.Many people came to there to buy food,cloth,or even,slave.Many people mob around that place.They watch and some of them buy the master's slave.Many slave was selled,except the girl.People just watch her or some talk about her.She can hope a miracle come.Until evening,all slave was selled,but the girl was not."Hah,every your friend was selled,and that's just you left,",said the master.She was scared and crying.But while she crying,the guard came.His face full with lust."Hehehe,I know you are the good master,thank you for this gift,",said the sandjar.He move and approach the girl.The girl just see and scared.But when the guard want to touch the girl,someone shout."Halt !,you good men,",said someone covered with dirty cloak."Heh ?,what do you want poor man ?,the store already close and I want to back to my home,"said the Slave's master."hold there,I want to buy a slave,",said the man."Hoh,this store wanna close...did you...,",but master's word was cutted by a heavy bag with clang sound."hem,ah I see,you are good for this."said the master."One problem,just one slave was left,and it is she,"while the master point his finger to the girl."But master you said...,",ask Sandjhar with upset sound."Remember Sandjar ?,or you wouldn't get your pay,"said the master.Sandjhar release the girl,and bring her to the master."Here your slave sir,"while he bring her."Now bring your money,",said the master."Ofcourse good man,here you money,"said the man.He bring the money to the master.The master very happy and jumped."Aahahahahaha,now,I become like the sultan ,"said him.The girl,seeing the man.He was covered with dark,but she can see a reflection from his eye.She can't say something.And when the master open the bag,lots of silver falling.But when the master check it,he is upset."Hey wait,this is not a dennar.This just an ordinary silver,and this is fake ?!.How dare you...,"but before the master talk,a slash came and cut his head.The guard was surprised,and the girl was shock."GODDAMN IT ?!,HOW DARE YOU...",while the Sandjhar pull his Yataghan,but it's to late.The axe swing and split the Sandjhar's head become two.The man pull his axe and open his cloak.An armored man,wearing nikolskoye helmet and covered with chainmail.he is protected with lammelar in his body.His eyes make an aura of berserk.He wipe his axe's blade in the cloth of dead body,before he looking at the girl.The girl looking at that man with scaried face.The men approach the girl,pick her up,and drag her go.The girl trying to scream,but she can't.The man cover her mouth with a cloth and ran away.Another guard came to there and found dead body of the master and Sandjhar,but not found the slave.They shout one for each other,and immediately alerted.They try to search the murderer,but it was to late.The man was already run.He run and run.The girl,who still shocked,suddenly unconscious."Ugh,why this trouble come in wrong time ?!,",think the man.So he continue running,while carry the girl,until arrive in his hiding place.The place was from a ruins of house.It's not huge,but still comfortable.The man place the girl in the one of house's room.He grab his axe,and get ready for those who chase them.There's no one follow us,think the men.After feel safe,he look at the girl."Still sleep huh ?,",whisper the men.He walk into the main room,place the axe with another weapons and equiptment.He pick some remaining of firewood,place it,and make a bonfire.After that,he go to outside,while carry a bucket.He go to nearest lake,pick the water,and back to his hiding.He boiled the water,and then throw some remaining meat and cabbage to the boil water.While waiting the food,he back to the girl's room.She still sleep ?,think the men.He carry the girl again.Her weight so very light,Think that men.He place the girl near the bonfire,so she can feel warm,and wake up.He continue to cook a soup.When the soup already cooked,he scoop and place it in a bowl."Hey,wake up,",said the men.The girl still unconscious.He place the soup near her nose.The girl open her eyes,and see around."Wh...Where am i ?,",ask the girl."You are in the house from the ruin village near Caffa,"said the men."Uh,Oh,"the girl mumble.the men help her sit,and then take the soup's bowl."Please open your mouth,",said the men.The girl open her mouth and the man feed her.Ugh,the taste is bad,think the girl.But she grateful because can eat.After the last spoon,she feel better enough."Are you feel more better ?,"ask the men."Yes,thank you for...,",but before the girl continue her word,she notice.The helmet and armor,was same with the men who kill her master and his guard.She scaried,and start screaming."AAAHHHHH,pleeeaaaseeee ...",cried the girl."Please what ?,"ask the men."Please don't kill me,if you want to make me become a slave or rape me,I don't care,but please don't kill me,",shout the girl.The men look at the girl,observe her,and ask a question,"why ?,"."I know,you are a bandit,a deserter,I know you like to robbing and rape,before you sell it again.But please,just don't kill me,",cried the girl.The men,feel upset,rise,take his axe,and talk,"How dare you said I'm a bandit,and call me a "Deserter ?",said the men."Did you know,I lost my fellow comrade,my commander,my home,even more,my love.They kill all my friend.They steal and robe any house and castle.Now,I become a tramp wearing nikolskoye helmet and this lammelar.And called as "Deserter" !!!,"Shout the men.The girl surprised and feel embarrassed."ehm,I'm sorry,I don't know that,",said the girl."Yeah I know.I know you all,the noble,just sit in your beauty house ,while we,the guard,fall one by one !." Said the men.He stare at the girl,until he go to his place near the bonfire.He sit in there,looking at the fire.both of them silent for a while,before the girl try to stand up.She try to walk,but too weak,and fall down.The men notice that,come to her,help her walk,and place near the bonfire.The girl and the men still silent."sorry for what I say,"said the men,still focus at the bonfire."no,I'm the right who should apologize,",said the girl."Alright,"answer the men.The girl look at the bonfire and start conversation."So who are you ?,",ask the girl."I don't know.I don't know my name,myself,even more my parent.",answer the men."ehm,but why ?",ask the girl,"I don't know,",said the men.The girl looking at the armor and then the men face.Covered with his helmet,and chainmail."Are you varangian guard ?,"ask the girl."Indeed,"answer the men."So,which place your serve ?,"ask the girl."I serve in emperor Constantine palace,",answer him."alright,",said the girl.Both of them again see the bonfire."ehm,"mumble the girl."What ?,",ask the men."Can I call you 'Varangian' ?,",ask the Girl."alright,no problem,",answer the Varangian.And that's how he called like his army,Varangian guard."Well,how can I call you ?,",ask Varangian."My name is Anastasya Sofia Phokas,you can call me Sofia,"said the girl.Sofia give her handsake to Varangian.But he still silent and didn't answer it."Well,it's okay if you don't want to handsake."said Sofia."So,where you come from ?,"ask Sofia."I forgot that,"said Varangian."Oh,alright,"."But from what i heard,I come from a land called 'Rus',",answer Varangian."Oh,are you Novgorod or Ryazan ?,"ask Sofia."For that's,I don't know.",answer Varangian.He looks like try to remember something,but it's too difficult.Varangian muse,but noticed that Sofia looking at him.Varangian too,but his Nikolskoye helmet make his face looks dark."Something was wrong ?,",ask Varangian."Oh,oh nothing.I just...feel sleepy.Hoaem,",said the Sofia, while yawn."I don't have a bed,",said Varangian."No problem,I just...want to sleep..",and Sofia fall down."Ugh,how can you....hey...Hey Sofia...ohhh...why now ?!,"said Varangian.He try to change Sofia's place to sleep.But,because too much use his power,Varangian fall sleep too while sit in his place.Both of them sleep,until next morning.

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