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I Copied a lot of helpful Jutsu's Yesterday although it wil still take me a while to learn all those jutsu's,I wanted to learn the Black Lightning first,i was hoping that after learning that i would be able to complete my Red Lightning, I also got  Flying thunder God and the Rasengan downlast night,i decided not to ge any custom kunais done i was gonna put the shiki formula on a normal kunai when i complete it.I stil need to learn the wood style jutsus since i have none in my arsenal right now.

It was Time to go to the Academy now,Today was the day we get our teams,i dont know what team im going to be in and i didnt know whats gonna happen since there are uneven amount of people due to the addition of me and suki.


I got to the Academy and see that there are quite a few people who are already in the class,i just go to my seat at the back of the class and sit down next to Suki .

I sense someone watching us,soi turn behind and smirk already knowing who it was.


(Third POV)

(Hokage's Office)

All the Jonins Sensie's who were assigned a team were in the room spying on the students from the orb

Suddenly they all saw that Y/N Uchiha turnedd towards where they were spying on them and smirked,leaving everyone other than Kakashi shocked as he had trained him for a while and he also knew that Y/N was much stronger than he let on but could'nt make out just how strong he exactly was.

The Hokage and all the Jonins other than Kakashi were talking about how a mere Genin was able to sense all of them but realised that Kakashi was quite so they asked him if he knew anything about the Uchiha.

I have been training him a bit from time to time for the past year as he has already activated his sharingan so yes i am not shocked that he is able to sense us as he is a natural sensor,says Kakashi giving them his trademark closed eye Smile.


(Y/Ns POV)

As i look back around after looking from where the Jonins and the Hokage were spying on us i see Naruto standing on Sasuke's table glaring at him,but suddenly the person sitting in the seat infront of the table pushes Naruto towards Sasuke and they end up Kissing.

"Looks like Naruto finally found his Girl"i said loud enough for everyone to hear.The Whole male class laughed at the event while Sasuke's Fan girls were plotting Naruto's Murder.Naruto and Sasuke immediately separated and quickly enough Naruto recieved his faith at the end of  the fan girls leaving him in the ground in a bloody mess.

Everyone quieted down after the event and suddenly the front door of the classroom opened and Iruka entered with a stack of papers beneath his arms.

"Morning Class" - Iruka said and was surprise he didn't need his patented Big Head Jutsu to silence his class.

"After today everyone of you are now Ninja of the leaf but you mere genin" - Iruka started "The difficult part is only beginning. You will now be divided in teams of three members and will be taught by a Jonin Sensei.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2022 ⏰

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